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《旅途脚印》| 断根——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-4-20 20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; p  L4 t  L7 ^
断根 | Cutting the Root

8 r1 _1 n/ I. Y, K1 s0 _* b0 ^; t7 l, {. F8 C5 p) A
, @3 F  k  M# C. q
1 B3 l: J9 n: |2 I3 j. |Jetsun Mila once imparted a song of realization to his disciple Repa Shiwa:
* J0 r# `  n  }% I) G- z5 Q( u+ I8 \/ ?; @' {# F# l
My son, should you sincerely want to practice the Dharma, arouse strong faith from the depths of your heart, and never cherish the affairs of this life.- H3 J( y) A; ]* D
5 p1 C4 l, L' |
Should you want to follow me to practice, recognize friends and relatives are Mara’s net; so you should remove these hindrances.' \: n' `" l9 b4 o( Q' [
. `6 c8 ?4 U- {6 q) V3 L
Food and possessions are Mara’s minions; abandon these evil old companions of yours.
3 q+ n( ~( v4 ~2 d2 B+ t' j" b3 t. s* X0 D8 h
Sensual pleasure and enjoyment are Mara’s chains; so you should eliminate these fetters.
0 F- ~( V7 r8 n- x5 @4 Y: `$ G+ u+ ^5 Q6 J1 p" x. O
Intimate buddies and good friends are Mara’s daughters; be sure to guard against their temptations.
7 \% O/ R6 z3 v- w7 Q! n
8 @: c6 s) f8 y& Q0 U5 v" p% lNative land and hometown are hellish prisons; quickly run away from being incarcerated.7 o0 a6 M2 G6 p6 j9 Q/ u

# [2 p, t, _, S& ]2 o. tGiving up everything you must at the time of death; now is the best time to leave them behind.
: u0 i) {3 e( X* |- T3 t4 ]" Q; k" |  t4 B) N( I) H
If you listen to me and do the practices, my son, you are connected to the supreme Dharma!$ Y; H  F+ g& Y5 h% L/ v) l3 {0 V5 Z1 l: `
# J; n- y* h- C( {
! o! R+ c7 b' ]" _0 R- A/ H, b8 q. M
The great Kadampa master Dapo Rinpoche (Sonam Rinchen) attained a high level of$ F7 @' P  T; {0 e

: I* [; W- D1 M- haccomplishment; when in deep Samadhi, he could remain immobile for 10 days straight. He strongly emphasized actual practice and once said: “Appearances are as unreliable as evil-doers; this illusory body, on loan to us, is easily lost. Wealth, flimsy and deceiving, causes suffering; hometown, a demonic prison, entraps you to no end. Those who enjoy drifting in the rounds of samsara should cut samsara’s lifeblood and root—self-attachment.” To be freed from suffering, to demolish obstacles and attain liberation, the only recourse is to sever the grasping to samsara.
, t: P, [9 F! ?- Z4 ~1 m  S
5 K" k, x( Z& f- B9 z1 U4 Y( o唐代的道林禅师常年在一棵松树上习禅,被人们称为“鸟巢禅师”。一日,白居易慕名前去拜访。见他住在树上,便说:“禅师住的地方太危险!”
' r: c$ |1 q# T: F0 a& U
+ c. \4 R0 ^0 Y' t$ W9 EZen master Dao Lin of the Tang Dynasty often practiced meditation up in a pine tree and was known as the “Bird Nest Zen Master.” Poet Bai Juyi once paid him a visit out of admiration. Seeing the master living high up in the tree, he said: “Master, the place where you are living is quite dangerous!” The Bird Nest Zen Master replied: “The way I see it, Sir, it is you who are in danger!”
2 W$ k. t6 U3 }, X! J/ L: R9 q8 L
) r: `: T2 ?9 c鸟巢禅师回答说:“我看大人才危险呢!”. F) d, L$ l- l5 X1 r
9 A6 C! N$ ]% F5 y* L, ~! v
Perplexed, Bai Juyi asked: “I am an official in the royal court, why am I in danger?”
% L- X- ]: d# Y) r. x( h$ ?$ t  [) K& J
白居易不解地问:“我身为朝廷命官,何险之有?”鸟巢禅师说:“世俗缘业相煎,冤冤相报,烦恼不息,难道不危险吗?”" }2 a# w& J/ W( Q  s* k* O  X

; P% Y0 J2 p* gThe Bird Nest Zen Master replied: “People in the secular world, driven by karma, harm each other continuously; they take turns avenging one another and breed endless afflictions. Aren’t these situations dangerous?”
0 W0 w, t6 S) R1 n6 U+ `9 ?& A; r( U" I1 n2 [) |# @! V
一句话,说得白居易哑口无言。0 D' l$ W+ B: d2 y6 B
8 s7 ^4 j( M! F+ D
This simple answer rendered Bai Juyi dumbfounded.# p4 S) R0 O; w7 I( F

8 V: Q( c2 Q  }是啊!世间之人时时为功名利禄所累,烦恼丛生,难道不是生活在看不见的监狱、魔网中吗?难道不是很危险吗?
7 U' y/ T, }( {" c1 [+ A
4 l0 f; b0 \: M6 N) Y& mIt’s so true! Ordinary people are always toiling for fame and wealth; they are constantly confused and worried. Aren’t they living in an invisible prison or in the devil’s web? Couldn’t it be said that they are in grave danger?2 [/ j4 Y8 S- o7 t8 I

; s( B5 q5 j; B& ~, R( z; S, S速速逃离此险境吧!5 s) |, K9 e& s- C$ W' V- p2 y

  Q& \' z8 O) T$ q+ p! G. T9 DHurry! Run away from this dangerous place!+ g- U* \2 R/ e9 r1 \$ I

9 r" g$ Z/ d* @6 v1 Q壬午年正月二十六日: f/ ^: p- I0 x! ~6 Z; h2 p4 K! F
6 k4 `% k6 W+ R0 L2 x
( {, g, Q/ B) F' U* V
( ]' W, {: k3 }* W9 e% \& j6 c/ L26th of January, Year of RenWu! }( n$ A& k) ^
' i3 B/ E8 b6 Z! J  _
March 9, 2002
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