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《旅途脚印》| 厌世——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-9-28 18:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
厌世 | Becoming Disenchanted
7 F9 z& Y8 f5 r3 U1 Q8 g  Y) m' iGenuine spiritual seekers should turn their mind wholeheartedly to the Dharma and renounce
7 u5 |' Y8 }& qsecular affairs. Otherwise, wishing to be successful in spiritual practice is just daydreaming./ {, r5 t* h5 a4 l4 R0 y
. ^; ~; p: v8 Y:“胜法以及今生计,二者无法同时成,若能共成则必定,自我欺骗无怀疑。与我会晤无4 W! y6 F" J& C
他言,期望各自勤修善。”9 F$ g6 g# H3 n
Bodhisattva Thogme Zangpo maintained his long-term retreat in an isolated hermitage; many
' {# P/ a1 E. |7 g! K/ J+ s3 B' Vvisitors seeking his audience or teachings found themselves on the wrong side of the door. He8 ^' t5 T' a6 ?- G8 ?
posted a note outside his retreat hut that read: “Between the sublime path and the secular
8 g8 p7 B# M* [8 b7 Xworld, there is no way to accommodate both; should one claim it is doable, it is for certain a self-" s% s5 V0 d/ {4 D; y
deception. Even if we meet face to face, there are no other words I could impart to you. May we0 h9 E2 j- M- a8 U! j: f8 E  C. [
all strive diligently to practice the Dharma!”4 R& _8 d/ }5 k% E. V3 X6 e
/ b# I2 Z' F2 j- L。我们应当舍弃世间法。” 《发起菩萨殊胜志乐经》中也云:“弥勒,我不说言,爱言说
  }/ c: r9 h! m者为心一住,好营世务于法无损。”
0 O' c# W& f% o, }8 X5 p/ SSakya Pandita says: “If one strives for success and prosperity of this life and at the same time& E1 F1 a8 |. Z" L: n) H
wishes to attain the ultimate happiness, one is foolish and reckless. We should abandon secular+ Y1 Z5 ~, T* Z& v# q
affairs.” In The Sutra of Arousing the Supreme Motivation of the Bodhisattvas it says: “Maitreya, I. W0 V# ]9 @3 }0 I- g% f
will never agree that vociferous people can effectively focus their minds, nor do I approve of the8 Y* ^! {* g9 p! p
saying that no harm is done to the Doctrines by getting involved in secular matters.”( R: B2 C: m+ ^% f6 o5 o" V
《修行入门》中也描述过宗喀巴大师亲见文殊菩萨,文殊菩萨赠送的一段至理名言:“如; i  a: O0 Q0 @( W0 I
果开初没有对轮回产生出离的厌恶心,纵然孜孜不倦地闻思修行,也完全不会超越轮回及4 E, k4 G& z5 V
) c- k4 ?0 j3 U/ s: Q; [$ w! I3 ^为止。”9 ]2 a# r# m+ L0 c+ U
The Gateway to Practice describes how Master Tsongkhapa once had a vision of Bodhisattva
8 m/ ?- S( E6 N( }Manjusri, who imparted to him a golden instruction: “Unless one has developed an utter disgust
" X. l/ I! t6 d9 y9 Stoward samsara in the first place, all his efforts in studying, reflection, and meditation will not
$ T8 x3 R( Q9 sfree him from samsara and the lower realms. Therefore, one should put away the profound, Q. y, O) a/ o9 E$ ]
practices, such as those on generation and completion phases, on high shelves for the moment.
8 y+ o$ D2 k# ]+ N0 d% l/ f% LInstead, work intensely on cultivating disenchantment until it has arisen fully in the mind.”! a1 R" w# Z1 j- f5 k8 w7 u4 @6 t
" M: k# G" k6 e3 R) |Some may wonder: Isn’t there a famous saying like the following:4 ?9 G, F$ `6 Y# C# x! ]% F
The Kingdom of Buddha is in this world, within which enlightenment is to be sought.5 U7 g3 O4 @+ r/ a& e2 v4 k
To seek enlightenment beyond this world is as absurd as to search for a rabbit’s horn./ Z7 \# k" x8 {! Z& k' E2 Q
/ [6 [$ }3 ~1 s# LBuddhists’ practice shouldn’t be in conflict with worldly activities, should it?
' j/ Y7 K  F" u9 J$ c其实,这种说法有两层密意,一是为了调柔刚入佛门的世间众生,迎合他们不愿抛弃世间$ M2 Z# V$ E+ ^! T  J9 b
之念的一种权巧说法;二是针对已证悟的成就者的无二境界或利众事业而言。+ O. a! F% _, a! P0 e
In fact, this saying has two levels of meaning. On one level, it is an expedient way to guide those
0 d( [5 f9 ?  X* g9 L, y7 R: ]new to Buddhism, to suit their unwillingness to let go of this world. On the other level, it speaks+ I% L' \( ^  L9 S5 f
directly of the non-dual minds or the activities of realized sages.9 h2 G5 H, }/ `  Q
! c5 K7 Y' h5 M0 A足,是人当解脱。”3 `3 R9 z' M( d( u. S
As ordinary beings, we should keep our feet firmly on the ground and stay away from
8 \6 Y  a: ~6 A5 Qdistractions. The scripture says: “Whoever overcomes indolence, keeps away from distractions4 e* N9 i& t" H! y1 |( R
and always feels contented in solitude will attain liberation.”& F9 Q7 S2 ^" ~0 u4 }
- |& p! e- O% H! c7 ?/ m好好把握住自己吧!
/ l5 y7 @1 [) j& jIllusory fame and flimsy prosperity are as seductive as wine but even more potent. They make
% e+ k5 ^- ]) K& qthe mind dead drunk, becoming incapable of awakening. Do not be tricked by the wine god
  q3 Y( B' v$ j/ v9 v( X% A8 bDionysus and intoxicated with worldly renown and wealth. Hold onto your own principles!0 r. [# h0 _: u6 H5 o  b& I) u
壬午年二月二十五日   E. K: L4 x: R5 j, R7 D) N" ]
2002年4月7日  1 U. w: {  `; p% {% s1 Z5 G7 Q
25th of February, Year of RenWu9 K/ x9 X' ?3 L% `
April 7, 2002
. P* c$ z; x3 E5 m3 i# t* n0 `4 }
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