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《旅途脚印》| 顶峰 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-12-29 21:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 e* M$ z; T" T! n/ f" \: u8 ?
顶峰 | The Summit
# u! l1 f9 K2 V- L2 J
- G) x5 y% O  O  I
; L/ b% Z; J6 g: \, P5 N
9 P  H7 l  f# Z: h  I  m. X+ `
The passage of human life is rough and bumpy; the path to liberation is winding and rugged.1 |. t0 p4 l2 G( p% c& ^9 j& N
: A. L; C+ D7 Z$ {
怯弱的人,畏惧困难,永远不敢仰视高山;坚强的人,身披精进铠甲,向着修行的高峰勇/ @" z* A  \0 [& q
2 c2 [1 g/ h. l/ m4 W- ]; v  v9 A

8 H" g9 O0 {1 @5 d: n1 y# w# I/ l" m6 m0 L2 w
A timid person, dreading difficulties, never dares look up at the towering mountain. A tough
. Q" T. Q  c1 a7 h5 Q' V- X; y4 Q% H( M' [9 B% i
person, armored with diligence, charges courageously toward the summit of spiritual
4 P( H" h$ r1 c% ~. D3 Z) H8 R: x
, ?4 T  ]8 ?' w0 _  Y1 yattainment.$ q0 q3 A2 ]1 C

/ y6 c7 Y& R6 j0 _$ u) I山上的游客心态各异,穿着五颜六色,来自天南地北,走向四面八方。然而,只有抵达顶
" m5 P% y; ?% a' m+ o
, C0 {9 w5 O+ z# |峰的人,才是真正的勇士。
; M$ F- Z6 O1 T- S9 B3 D

) U8 Q8 x( _1 K* ]; @: C2 d/ QPeople coming from various places and wearing different attire all gather at this mountain, they* H; |. @6 ^! u" D. n' X$ j
/ O5 E3 _$ w3 }4 D* ~& i
pick their path according to their own inclination. Yet the real champion will be the one who
0 @1 S% O9 D6 f5 j  v6 B" R% q* j' l
scales the summit.& X3 D& s5 y6 a$ }4 s/ |
& t* n" J- p# c* Q# `  u
攀登解脱高峰的勇士,如果具有坚定不移的发心,百折不挠的勇气,一定不会因半路的险+ V/ Q. I6 Z  ~/ Y+ z1 H
- ?' w- z& j& q( ^& a/ R
阻而退却,也不会被亲朋的悬崖峭壁所隔阻,更不会被违缘障碍的荆棘所吓倒。一定会沿5 |$ U4 F7 ?8 {/ @$ @1 s! v- y/ J, I
  b, c8 S! B: }
着此路,毫不犹豫,毫不动摇地一直往前闯。最终,也必将会到达向往已久的顶峰。将山: f; A7 M$ ?2 L- ]

# s& L4 p* k% ~上山下美丽的风景尽收眼底。方可领略“一览众山小”的美好境界。
2 ^" R* M4 [4 r
! A* g, e( k5 [2 Y- c
To reach the high peak of liberation, one must first have unshakable determination and
' n8 ^" l; M$ x$ X: A% S
, d% ~  q  G6 T  a. J# n( ^% Sunbeatable courage. Thus armored, the warriors will not shrink when facing great obstacles on9 R3 c. a2 B6 H+ N/ Q" {6 M

) m  l* z) }! O5 L" V) d/ qthe road, nor be halted by sheer cliffs and overhanging rocks formed by friends and relatives.
+ d5 h* L. G( P; F* }4 x
* v* k4 d# ?& v' N# p$ R: I+ EThistles of unfavorable conditions cannot deter them. Without any hesitation, they persistently
' }' S2 ]! w- k, u  Z
6 N! Q5 P/ \6 ]% Q& c) eand unwaveringly tread the path straight on. Eventually, they will reach the summit of their long1 g, \8 r3 t; v3 I5 a. Y! m+ a( O

0 D7 q: v6 ]8 |, }aspiration. There, the breathtaking vistas are at their feet, and they will fully appreciate the3 w$ I& k. t4 E, t
& P' ^0 N4 f  X. g$ \
wonderful feeling of seeing “all distant mountains appear shrinking before the eyes.”6 a% m$ w3 o$ Y) G! U3 J& [

& P" Q7 Z! A8 C4 N在爬山的过程当中,有的人(邪见者)会迷失方向,前往茂密的森林;有的人(失信心者)会( l1 R: s% {6 u# h  V9 q
; a3 ]' R4 G: Z3 G1 I* R4 h
退失信心,掉头退回原地;有的人(小乘行人)因疲劳懈怠,半途停滞不前;有的人(求世间6 V7 q; Y0 B$ A/ u0 m
" L" f( E; t8 _
法者)为湖光山色所引诱,去往别的地方;有的人(修密宗者)乘坐缆车,轻而易举地抵达, k; M! K4 J2 ^! V

. C. }+ _4 |% y% @……
) b7 q# J( U: r7 Z9 @% V) m, c- [
During the course of climbing the mountain, some (those with the wrong views) may get lost and! K) U3 O4 A3 y. k
( b, W' p0 u5 j! M: K$ ?) s
stray into the deep woods; some (those with failing faith) may lose confidence and turn back to
+ Z8 N% {9 X. ~
' y. K3 O: v8 U3 y4 q4 J8 C" Lthe starting point; some (the Hinayana practitioners) could stall halfway due to fatigue and
, ~4 \7 F3 s. v! Z) Y6 f& h/ E& T4 W# N. u
indolence; some (those seeking worldly gains) may be lured by beautiful scenery and take a$ v5 D3 L' ]6 S# M9 |

6 u( `5 M5 s1 F  Q' s% |detour; and still some (the Vajrayana practitioners) just take the trolley and arrive at the
$ ], A; w1 X7 ~% f, f- K5 q$ I& [! _# W: s7 ^% v/ N
destination with ease….( S4 I- n% U% A0 ?6 {2 ~

; H0 {" v* v$ A. T无限风光在险峰。) ?/ a% |& I2 c3 ?

/ }6 _6 v* r  P6 LPanoramic vistas are to be found only at the perilous peak.
$ _$ B) w0 u$ ]8 n) L2 Y+ s( |: B/ J) I6 e, i/ i
然而,险峰是属于勇于进取的人。决不会让缺乏信心资粮、好逸恶劳的人轻易抵达。9 p0 s2 y4 W5 D: m' }0 G
/ H+ _9 f: I% t) Z- b3 t. Z
However, this steep summit is reserved only for the undaunted and the courageous. It is by no' Q, G6 G8 i3 L6 `
+ S7 D7 f$ i1 i% J( I, K$ H0 l4 B
means easy to reach for those who lack faith and merit, or who shun labor and indulge in ease.
& U/ ~/ e- O% g; T  v2 D, h  _
$ E3 A) c6 R, W, D7 `" e; i/ k1 a+ e4 K/ v
2002年4月22日  : q0 A% l+ W4 q+ S
1 m, i. ~! Z1 V( W
: b3 @) Z7 V" G* v0 \4 t( Z
! E- A; y% p  t# N5 k10th of March, Year of RenWu
$ a5 b7 x4 G1 K& e0 K0 u4 N2 c- L1 A9 I$ v& h
April 22, 2002
1 @1 V& h9 R" X) n4 }5 i
2 @7 `3 S$ _, u5 dAt Lau Wu Mountain, Xiamen
& f' X6 Z: ]; a0 y
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