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《旅途脚印》| 精进——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-3-10 22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 [7 k* E' m% `) c, _- }
精进 | Be Diligent
  G( H: p! o/ x9 T* R/ {
% H7 g2 X+ V: E& F9 f* S+ d5 o
; E% c, u' d- i( U  ^& p3 |: o  p$ W: d; B  s8 B
Delicate fragrance wafted from the jasmine tea; the sun, through the leaves of the tall arbor tree, beamed down warm shafts of light.
; Q/ P! I( J- ]. \  L" z% k4 s: b0 C! @6 S0 x# J

8 c1 \6 _; ^; n0 |# g( E1 b坐在阳台上,手捧《大圆满心性休息大车疏》,却难以入神。, M5 |' J( [( |3 g, }. l
Sitting on the balcony in this refreshing scent and with the book A Treatise on Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind in hand, somehow I found it hard to concentrate.
/ o9 z6 ]5 ]% b
1 m4 M  x8 {% n  @; x旁边是厦门中学,今天开学了。穿着整齐校服的学生涌进美丽的校园,打破了往日的宁静。也使我这颗易为外境所转的心开始活跃起来。4 D0 b* Z. B; U$ h% ~3 v8 t
1 D0 q$ f, P0 P/ H
The neighboring Xiamen Middle School started its new term today. Students wearing smart uniforms poured onto the beautiful campus. Gone was the serenity of this place; my mind, which is easily distracted by surroundings, also started rushing around.
' k3 e, |) }% T  W9 e
, M/ d- K- t; c. b, C# ?这是一所现代化设施齐全的中学,有崭新整齐的教学楼,广阔平坦的操场,五彩缤纷的花园,和蔼亲切的师长。集合做操时是那么的统一和谐;自由娱乐时又是那么的天真活泼。使我不由自主地想到了我在宗塔中学度过的美好时光。
, I7 A/ {6 l6 S: Z. u3 y
: Q8 E1 h& Q- `This middle school is well equipped with modern facilities. It has brand new buildings; big open sports fields, colorful gardens, as well as kind and capable teachers. Students conduct group physical exercises in harmonious unison, while during recess they play actively and cheerfully. Unknowingly, my mind drifted back to my beloved days at the Zong Ta Middle School.- d& L( J4 L/ G8 t5 u: g. e

7 c9 {+ r# O6 h7 i, y9 M  j" B[font=微软雅黑]那时虽然没有如此优越的条件,衣服也是破旧不堪,但心情却是一样的快乐。然而,事过境迁,当时同寝室的7位好友中,华泽、泽比、单比3位都相继离开人世。虽然我时常在梦中又回到年轻时代,与他们共享青春的恩赐。但一觉醒来后,我不得不清醒地认识到,往日的良辰美景早已烟消云散。如今也不知他们转生于何道,但不论如何,我都真诚地希望他们能获得安乐,“嗡嘛呢巴美吽舍”!+ N. U! W$ s0 m9 K2 t0 S. P1 ?' x
  v0 E; r' I6 I5 J* O% P
Even though such nice facilities were nonexistent at that time and we wore only ragged clothes, we were happy all the same. Alas, things have changed! Three out of my seven roommates and dear friends from those days—Huaze, Zebi, and Danbi—have already passed away in succession. In my dreams, I often revisit those tender years, enjoying our blissful youth together. But upon waking up I have to face the reality that that enchanted time and place are all gone. I have no idea into which realms my friends were reborn. Regardless, how I wish they could have happiness and peacefulness. “Om Mani Padme Hum Hri!”
$ j* }. i1 R! B0 X. U1 j! ?6 z1 B9 f& U3 b
! B0 w$ k# N0 K( n# _7 x( I  a
0 h; m! c5 o- \+ T- K! p3 o' S( f1 `I am now a man of 40, even if I can live into my 60s, there are only 20 rounds of seasons left. “Our life comes with an expiration date; sadly the number of days is scarce.” The English playwright Shakespeare mentioned that time moves on with silent steps, it will not pause even for a moment just because you have many things to tend to. To a diligent person, the passage of time brings wisdom and strength; to the indolent, only regrets and aching void.
$ d' f, o; ?/ V3 r, u( `
( ^2 J$ G* _& D& B" z7 J$ w今日不精进,更待何时?
0 [8 m6 m$ i; A# j9 J1 S# H+ M
$ ]/ G1 E+ l# L7 t3 R: R- nIf it is not today, when is the time to be diligent?
/ k) {/ A& T0 S& G5 @3 F0 i
& p, X: @) L" A* H壬午年正月十三日
& e9 b8 g3 ^% r* j8 _
; j. N( t& A: `  F  w2002年2月25日
$ \( }6 q: K$ x9 Y9 u0 i
( b" }; }: R' Z( g  x( K0 W3 Q  r" x
13th of January, Year of RenWu
2 i- F% `2 G; F8 [% S! W( o* ?
# Q$ [' j& [( {  H# eFebruary 25, 2002
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