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《旅途脚印》| 胡思——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-9-22 18:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: {+ ?* Q# R/ m8 ]  Q
胡思 | Random Thoughts
一说到清明节,便会想起那首妇孺皆知的歌谣:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,借* l3 n, d+ \# l3 ?: Y5 x- r
$ d& w( a5 F9 |9 O6 B7 V# c4 _For many people, at the mention of Qingming Day (Tomb-Sweeping Day), the following popular
3 ~: f9 p8 c6 d% Hsong inevitably comes to mind:
" o# W& P% J* H: W5 e( [It is drizzling and showering on spring memorial day,! o7 D: m1 d! T* F% Z( o
The mourners travel with hearts lost in sadness.+ n% M5 R6 ?3 _8 r
When asked where to find a tavern to stop by," h4 I1 a5 V; E/ h" L( `4 |( c7 x. A
A shepherd boy points at an apricot blossom village far away.
- d% u8 ~% c; H4 O8 E2 `今天是清明节,是汉族传统祭拜祖先,抚慰英烈的日子。街上的人们手捧鲜花,携家带口
+ v# N/ |/ n5 g,络绎不绝地出城为祖先和先烈扫墓。& L% i! L% ]: F) C
It is Qingming Day, the traditional “Memorial Day” in Han China designated for paying homage to' U/ ~, S3 I; W# X$ L6 s
ancestors and fallen heroes. On the street, many families head to the outskirts of the city in a1 A: b; `+ s- z: Y
steady stream; with fresh flowers in hand; they are ready to sweep the tombs of their7 }4 ^9 _+ `5 X  S: _4 E
predecessors and martyrs.
8 c# I0 U/ b/ F* T9 C' |  [而我却独自一人,在医院排队等候检查身体。无情的病魔侵扰着我,在我不堪一击的体内+ m3 E$ q/ f: ?( [
, o( ~; k; v1 P8 V$ s9 W% P% h0 x" }了的。没生病的时候没有切身的体会,生了病方知生老病死的苦楚。9 P- B6 x4 p8 }' o% x
Yet I found myself all alone queuing for physical exams in a hospital. The demons of disease have9 I9 f) K1 K6 l# B9 i0 T' |; |
been raging horrendous wars in my feeble body, leaving me anxious and helpless. But whoever
) t! j5 \! ?' s7 A5 Q6 e$ zwe may be, we have to bear the miseries of illness all alone. It is only in illness that we+ I4 z3 A5 o1 d8 Q9 h" v; V( {
experience firsthand the sufferings of birth, sickness, aging, and death, which otherwise seem
. M- w3 N  s& N2 E) w! T$ Kelusive when we are healthy." q5 d" _3 K+ C2 _0 R
9 G: H4 _- }% [. ]8 L的人,心想:他们如何负担得起这些昂贵的医疗费用啊!难怪西方有一种说法:“是穷人+ i) {0 x; M( S5 ?5 T$ x
就不要生病,否则医院的门槛是很高的。”没钱治病,只能眼睁睁地等死。唉!这些可怜8 X/ n3 M! A$ H: u# Z4 p8 x
的众生。) O: N) G" j! M. o1 r0 S( ~
Finally it’s my turn after waiting for more than an hour at the billing department. It cost 260 yuan# x$ K! D/ e3 i5 m( I9 b
for a blood test alone. Seeing many patients wearing ragged clothes, I wondered how they could
( Z) J; [, o2 L$ N3 `manage to pay such high fees for medical care! No wonder it is said in the West: “If you are poor,
3 r2 I$ b) S, ]( stry not to get sick. The threshold of the hospital is too high to cross.” For people unable to pay
% ]: j7 M# z" `# X! r* \medical bills, the only alternative is to wait to die helplessly. How miserable are they!% B- g) G% D# r, K/ o
* j$ J- G( r$ M# S7 Y居然超过了我的高祖父。但高祖父早已弃我们而去,而这棵树却巍然依旧。人的寿命竟然* ^  v' @) v2 R+ `2 ?0 c" j$ Z: w2 w3 L
不如一棵树,即使没病也活不了多久,无常真是可怕啊!5 t0 D/ ?6 r2 \& J$ ?/ Y  f8 C" j
As I had to wait for the lab report, I rested under a ficus tree reputed to be 150 years old, an age
+ W/ L: t" q  ^5 \8 othat beats my great grandfather’s. How amazing. My great grandfather has been long gone while5 h" Y! ]& l7 E
this tree still towers majestically. We humans are just no match to trees in terms of
( B! ~7 N. t( H- D3 Hlifespan—even if we manage to be disease-free, our days are numbered. Impermanence is1 \3 K1 c6 F; {  z" n1 X# E
indeed frightening!! c6 E1 M' s& o3 c) P) W
得到检查结果,坐车回家的路上,看见一座巨大的建筑物,听说其产权归属于一耋耄之年; C* F7 ]1 C1 I  |
* R: u' l& w$ N, ~心。
; q2 x! F  x6 u: a+ Q# bOn the ride home after getting my report, I saw a huge building supposedly owned by someone: Z/ e8 z6 W/ a( W+ S0 b2 D6 x: r: j! `& ~
quite advanced in age. Musing over the old man toward the end of his life and the big building. R% x: t& A, A* g1 U
that would remain strong, I felt sorry for those who’re still making long-term plans.
7 ]$ [8 Y6 `" i' @8 D/ S整整一个上午,就这样胡思乱想。既未看书,也没念经。- N; ]& T, ~% N
All morning, I was preoccupied with these random thoughts, having neither read books nor+ p; ^* E- k; B
recited scriptures.
* _; t& f0 G0 L——清明午时于阳台
, j- C" p3 ]/ l0 ^; u4 z壬午年二月二十三日 
# e8 d, t6 a, r! C- [9 L; ?4 K% R' Y2002年4月5日
- E0 D! o0 z9 [6 Q1 _9 B$ yOn the balcony, at noon on Qingming Day
$ g4 t. \% x; o* m/ }! R, u23rd February, Year of RenWu% X: C+ T9 R& V" c6 O  c
April 5, 2002
* }) C: W% i" z1 h; _
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