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《旅途脚印》| 发心——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-5-8 21:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ @/ Y  y" q1 M4 d+ y
发心 | Generating Bodhichitta

( i+ @+ U' X* q/ f$ t& r% t% ^3 ]- u$ ]) a- }6 X5 Q" {
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  G3 M! r  G- ^8 ^$ K; ?$ m: OWhatever we do, it is most important that we do it with the bodhichitta intention.* E+ t8 r' H& ^- V$ R3 F: V
2 R1 p+ O' d" k5 }; n; D
  K$ V; d5 a$ J3 n0 r" K( w

6 h+ i: \( q  E# uThe Sutra Requested by Maitreya says: “Maitreya, the water that flows into the ocean will not dry up even after many kalpas. Maitreya, any positive actions done with the bodhichitta intention will never be exhausted until the attainment of the highest and utmost realization.”3 Z5 c% A) Q+ `! x% Z* l5 b

7 W$ a" @4 G# E7 g, A* v如果我们在相续中真正生起菩提心,哪怕做无记之事,也会增上功德。《华严经》云:“发殊胜菩提心之散乱者,彼身所作、语所言、心所思,皆具意义,恒时唯成善法。”并以250种比喻恰如其分地描述了菩提心的功德。, C3 N# ~# Z" {) t8 V

6 p, }. I2 L+ o; b0 HIf we have genuinely aroused bodhichitta in our mental continuum, even neutral activities bring forth merit. The Avatamsaka Sutra says: “Having developed the supreme bodhichitta, even for a distracted person, the activities of body, speech, and mind become meaningful, they will always be virtuous.” The sutra also lists 250 examples to describe aptly the qualities of bodhichitta.- S/ S3 K( P" T- c( M# N

5 T! B6 d) }2 c$ {菩提心是闻思修智慧之甘露乳汁提炼而得之醍醐;是灭除众生热恼之清凉月光;是驱除无明痴暗之璀璨杲日;是令有情趋入解脱之无上津梁。% G% c" T: ]; d5 U5 a. ~

  {/ S/ U# b6 R5 l/ M8 K  m. i/ o# MBodhichitta is the sublimated cream of the crop of the wisdom milk flowing from studying, contemplating, and meditating on the Dharma; it is the cool moonlight that dispels the heat of sentient beings’ confusion; it is the brilliant rising sun that drives away the darkness of ignorance; it is the ultimate vehicle that leads beings toward liberation.5 B6 _/ \. d5 B! \# V5 B- ~

% h) J, _/ {5 |5 J) c4 |, }; W具备神通的目犍连也不能灭贫女之油灯,因菩提心所摄持故。3 Z; A4 _; h! {, j( m5 R

- |; n; A; R# I; PEven Maudgalyayana, with his amazing supernatural power, could not extinguish a lamp that had been offered by a poor woman with bodhichitta.
+ Y4 ]* k1 L: c( _  T
1 V$ ~; p0 t3 e7 K3 ~" y0 ]! p! w9 p无着得以亲见弥勒菩萨,也因生起菩提心故。菩提心之利益真是数不胜数!: n& o( a4 U" i- J9 a

3 u0 m0 _. c/ n7 q0 O' t
It is also due to the arising of genuine bodhichitta that Asanga was finally blessed with a vision of Bodhisattva Maitreya. Indeed, the benefits of bodhichitta are just too numerous to count!
$ ?/ k; w! W; Q; C* M% ?3 \) t
8 K$ C4 N2 k: x  h9 q( p$ P
; h/ \2 T/ X" b+ q7 q) {0 O. p, \4 r2002年3月13日
$ m2 `3 P- g% {/ e7 l8 s% D9 p7 Y& I% w4 V
30th of January, Year of RenWu
/ d( S6 W, }, w4 C3 }4 J& y# I' X
8 p. a( v: B6 w% jMarch 13, 2002
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