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《旅途脚印》| 深思——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-6-21 16:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* e/ L2 [/ S0 {! R- g
深思 | Deep Reflections
名副其实的大德们修行时,从不希求名声、财富及世间妙欲。恒常以身体力行来断除世间9 H' `4 W6 x$ m( S
9 |7 Z* l; i( @% M  ~- m1 @$ ~. ASublime beings who are worthy of their names never seek fame, wealth, or other worldly % F: N5 ?$ S1 d8 y" U6 x
enjoyment on their spiritual path. Instead, they always practice what they preach in order to cut ( A, O/ E4 X/ }7 u5 N, c. o, m" b
off mundane desires and attain liberation.
1 c% `) D7 c% l9 A2 c; E藏传佛教噶举派大译师慈祥(绰迫罗杂瓦1173-1225),曾到印度、尼泊尔依止克什米尔班智$ J- @) q! _- S2 [5 l( U4 T
  j2 `% R: m- f$ ?) b建寺院、弘扬佛法,使佛法之精妙甘露得以沐浴四方。他说:“不知身寿似水泡,不念死主6 j) V9 R+ U  q. Y; r2 F: I. t
已迫近,纵然修善极众多,仍为此生之武器。不晓名利乃幻化,未弃贡高利牵缚,纵然被: H) ^8 y8 F( O3 {' m/ E' _2 P
奉为圣者,仍为八法之仆役。今生残体未放弃,纵然励力勤修善,终将赤手奔来世,前途- A- j, e/ C4 \* O. u5 C& u
* A7 Y* A" O8 H$ wTsultrim Trophu Lotsawa (1173-1225), a master translator of the Kagyu lineage, went to India
( L# Q$ w) L- U5 g$ P& r+ S$ n1 ^. iand Nepal to study Buddhism under the tutelage of great siddhas such as Pandita Kashmir. 1 N+ |( y2 Z: W9 n4 d) l* f2 f
During that period, he endured severe hardships of deprivation and hunger, yet around the clock 9 a5 k0 W+ _' _3 W5 e
his incredible diligence never flagged. In the end, he became vastly proficient in the teachings of
% ~% a2 h0 ^1 g, r. ^  }. q2 oexoteric and esoteric schools. Upon returning to Tibet, he founded many monasteries and spread
0 J: L' k& [+ {; [" athe Dharma, nourishing people in various places with the exquisite nectar of Buddhism. He has + P$ e$ |% P' C& n+ ^, {2 u8 M2 R
Failing to see that life is just like a bubble, one is oblivious of the imminence of death.; a. t2 _* R! [; t( F. S
Although one performs numerous good deeds, the intention is to better this life only.+ W; C# H6 G" \$ G
Failing to see fame and wealth as illusions, one covets prestige and is ensnared in profit making.
7 z. c) e' i0 Q# o1 e. g  WBeing respectfully regarded as supreme, yet one still succumbs to the eight worldly concerns./ u6 J! u! _1 H0 e
Striving to do good deeds without first renouncing the corporeal body, one inevitably heads to & o0 c8 v! |+ w) l3 m
future lives empty-handed.8 A0 r) e  d* t# v9 O+ u
How downright miserable is this bleak prospect!- r0 f- n' n5 J9 Y& s! Q
Unaware of the defects of samsara, one craves worldly enjoyment untiringly.
3 N8 W/ i9 N# APrattling hollow words all the time, one is nothing but a deceitful hypocrite.& V' \7 b2 a+ @( [
& o/ T* \% O( f$ M,贪嗔积财摄受诸眷属,死时眷属受用不跟随,业果苦痛唯有己承受。梵天帝释转轮之王
& x+ L* }8 r. K0 q* C( ~! N等,所获轮回乐果不稳固,死时未必不会堕恶趣,当于轮回生厌仁亲哲(布顿名)!”) R& U0 t" I8 V1 {$ e. v$ `; `
His main disciple Buton Rinchen Drub, the author of The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet,
6 i4 g( E* I8 l9 c8 c' |also says in his Self-Instructions:
1 ]3 U2 K1 D6 l" R- e; [For the sake of friends and foes in this life, you amass wealth and retinues with avarice and
( \( n" K$ L  B6 ^# p1 L* Q+ @5 MNone of your subjects will follow you when you die, you must bear the painful karma all by
7 B4 {* ^4 Q2 i6 _7 _1 _/ MBrahmins, Indra, or Universal Monarchs enjoy great pleasures that are unreliable samsaric & e+ g7 Q: x3 r* Q; k
When they die, there is no guarantee to avoid lower realms, so become weary to samsara, ! d$ b: q# s. w
读到这些言教,联想到自己一生中虽然表面行善,但仔细观察,归根结底往往是为了自己) }1 i# T1 I/ a0 n
今生的利益。为众生、为来世的成分究竟有多少,没有很大把握。前辈大德们的高尚心行真令人羡慕。" X' n4 x& V, |; M# K
Reading these, I reflected carefully on the seemingly good deeds I have done so far. Most of $ q# L3 w# R: n& i
them boiled down to self-serving for this life only; I am not even sure what portion of them has % W# x7 k2 w# \, U4 c
been devoted to others or to future lives. How I admire the high realization and conduct of the 0 |4 I' ^1 e9 y. c+ }3 e0 I
accomplished sages!
  Y& c# L- W0 m6 M- z  \, i与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。从现在做起,也许还不是很晚。
+ t$ e* E  H3 s4 u2 {8 {* ~The adage goes: “Instead of wasting time longing for the fish by the pond, it’s better to go back
$ U7 G+ f3 k5 ?0 l( V+ {and prepare fishing nets.” I may as well take actions from now on; perhaps it’s still not too late!
& d4 O6 l5 Q, K! Q4 L: U壬午年二月初七! P. K  u2 O  t5 R3 P
2002年3月21日( k. a* ]  O; \4 x
7th of February, Year of RenWu
% V/ h' ~/ o( t7 J; h2 |March 21, 2002$ a- W% E) N. L3 p% L/ m
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