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《旅途脚印》| 长久——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-7-3 20:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
修行是一项旷日持久的艰苦过程。无垢光尊者说:“修行不能仅靠几天的努力,需要长期的  {; Y2 ?+ X  y$ ]
$ `! `% N) \2 C/ lSpiritual practice is a challenging process that takes time and endurance. Longchen Rabjam says: + I9 t; l& n" O" j* U' Y( |5 w9 x
“Spiritual practice is not a few days’ effort only; it is a long struggle.” By practicing diligently and
, b. x) f" P' T: b3 Zpersistently for a long period, not only we can sharpen our willpower but also accumulate vast . Y! r) x# x; P' ~% {7 x
merit.' w5 c& v$ p( y8 j4 ~% O/ w# Z
4 [6 r5 t9 j( Q* W! D# M3 G拉萨朝圣。30年前,她曾在上师前发愿,每天磕头100个,念诵极乐愿文1遍,金刚萨埵心, l1 B3 j9 _1 P
& F4 M$ n- K/ v! [7 b% S* O就有很大困难。除了在家里,她常在放牧时偷偷到一山洞里磕头,并叮嘱我为其放哨。常
4 x' s1 x3 H$ r& Y! ]5 B- U8 Y) h常趁没人之时,我就提醒她:“你该磕头了!”6 t& [4 `/ h# c
I remember when I was a child, there was a beautiful young aunt called Drala. As a devout 7 r" E& ~) j1 ]0 ~# K6 u$ {0 d
Buddhist, she made a pilgrimage to Lhasa with local villagers and pledged to her teacher that
0 I" j. m% p) ~9 o/ severy day, she would perform 100 prostrations, read once the Aspiration Prayer to Be Born in the + p  F4 e8 ~) g( w% P
Pure Land of Great Bliss, and recite 10,000 times the Vajrasattva mantra. That was 30 years ago
# [- I6 B5 _. ywhen religions were being destroyed ruthlessly. In that horrific period, one might manage to
* D; i$ A; H2 D7 o+ zrecite mantras or read sutras silently without getting caught; but prostrations presented a bigger 7 Y6 c( U/ J* h# e7 L8 s' v( y
problem. Besides doing it at home, she also tried the accumulation in mountain caves when
/ G4 z1 Y. H6 j/ g( t  Wherding, and would always ask me to stand guard for her. When no one was around, I would * y# `; r$ J/ o
always remind her: “It’s time for you to do prostrations!”
- l  C% e# m/ a: D* {* N8 k时光荏苒,30年时光匆匆流逝。其间我经历了读书、出家等一系列变故。去年7月,我在; m8 s2 y6 b2 V; f1 @$ i3 ?
老家碰见她,她的脸上已刻满了历经沧桑的痕迹。想起当年磕头的经历,连忙问她:“您还/ |5 o: m3 @7 }$ K* P. d
8 ~) P: r9 z5 l6 |3 X* c9 b间更多了,可以念更多的咒子。”“那这么多年您一共磕了多少头?念了多少咒?”“没统计过5 A/ r3 N7 J8 S# y* U
( g: O+ z8 l( `  s0 p7 p1 NTime elapsed quickly; 30 years had slipped by before I met her in my hometown last July. During 2 N# f5 |) Q5 a2 E# a/ T/ \) }
this period I had gone through stages of schooling and become a monk. For her, the experience # j9 K8 c' k7 P1 Q: c( k: i: u+ @3 Q
of life’s ups and downs had chiseled her face. Reminiscing about the old days, I quickly asked her: ; i( d9 y: ?; A# y+ m
“Are you still continuing prostrations and recitations?” She answered: “Certainly. I’ve never 2 G; M, f; u5 X9 u
stopped. Even if I missed them during my episodes of severe illness, I always managed to make - O8 ?% C4 z9 T; g0 [7 P
them up after recovery. Now, with more free time on hand, I can recite even more mantras.” I
& M& j: ]+ {) W+ Fasked, “Then, through all these years, how many prostrations and mantra recitations have you 6 ~$ I! s8 W. H+ {. Y) E0 F
done in total?” She replied, “I have not really kept track of them. I feel practicing alone is good
% b3 o  \0 j8 q) Henough and have never cared to count the numbers.”
( S6 g% P& Z- ~$ J1 l$ k8 Y4 t% Y$ t我在心里为其保守地算了一下。这30年她至少磕头1,095,000个,念诵极乐愿文10950遍,
% Y7 e- K4 f+ w: P( |) {' ?金刚萨埵心咒109,500,000遍。这对于很多人来说不着啻为天文数字。扎拉是藏族中极其8 i+ N- S3 M3 K, k5 s; G( ]
普通的一位教徒,既没有名声,也不算最精进。但她能30年如一日地以磨杵成针的毅力锲0 C) G  C* z5 ^! q
1 D1 r, r9 C  l' |$ dI made a mental calculation. Conservatively, in the past 30 years, she could have done at least 3 t! S/ c2 M2 u; q' O' ]
1,095,000 prostrations, read the Aspiration Prayer to Be Born in the Pure Land of Great Bliss 3 {! }  |* m. t2 H7 h# i
10,950 times, and recited the Vajrasattva mantra 109,500,000 times. For many people, these ( ]) l7 U1 `+ f  P. q! J& W1 s  e
figures may seem astronomical. Drala is all but an average practitioner commonly seen among 8 g7 F6 V, t3 W4 a+ u0 |
Tibetans, little known, nor extraordinarily diligent. Nonetheless, that she has kept her practice   H9 G" @4 k9 g
throughout 30 years with the perseverance of “grinding an iron pestle down to a needle” is truly
3 e; t) T! K' s8 o6 Rpraiseworthy.
( @' O9 O, `+ u# s现在有的人修完一遍50万加行,就四处炫耀,唯恐他人不知。扎拉却能默默无闻,从不间
) I* U: ^6 C' s; m1 _断,的确令人叹服。反观自己,虽然在上师前发了愿,却没有如法行持,虽然被别人称为
3 b/ }1 a+ u" p" ]' g法师,却不如一个普通人,真令我汗颜。古人云:“骐骥一跃,不能千里;驽马十驾,功在
' k% T1 `$ [3 a* N* [' @# g; `( I不舍。”
% X2 `2 K6 b1 Y/ AThese days there are practitioners who can’t wait to flaunt around their completion of one cycle
8 H1 I9 Y" X: v2 O& D. `- r6 uof 500,000 preliminaries, lest someone would miss their accomplishment. Drala, on the other
  \1 D8 Z2 f, }# K% Mhand, cares not for recognition but only to practice persistently; she is indeed admirable. * e5 X5 f) V& u! Z
Checking my own progress, I had made pledges before my master, but I have not practiced
, Q" a; b0 S  k8 H. \' i/ i9 kauthentically; I have been addressed as a spiritual teacher, but I am no better than common
$ w/ A' y! M* l0 \5 t$ `5 s: Jpeople. Shouldn’t I blush with shame?# P/ e3 _0 t3 z( m# T. E: \3 H9 Z
The ancient saying goes:
# Z4 R/ v) U" k9 Y; p" S& vOne gallop of a noble steed remains one gallop of distance, not 10 gallops.
( b. m) C" U) B; L) F3 _Ten days of effort of pulling a cart by an inferior horse, on the other hand, would cover 10 days’
+ A5 v8 `" n# ~' ydistance.
3 B) @# ~, {5 m# o( K- y: nSuccess comes from doing the task persistently.
  O% {0 A7 m2 ^+ c: k如果每个修行人都能有此精神,有一分付出,就一定会有一分收获的。
  ^9 f% B9 J4 [Every practitioner should embrace such an enduring spirit. With every ounce of effort put in, ' _+ _% e& _% h+ r- z' R4 V4 h' K$ y
there is bound to be an ounce of reward.
! F0 J2 o& o+ h; M9 T9 M/ P8 \壬午年二月十二日  9 w9 a2 W$ k0 G8 b7 U2 A  @
9 i- D' Y! u, ^. N% v+ m12th of February, Year of RenWu) }8 E7 ]4 m7 t+ k
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