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. e9 ]6 }4 C4 S2 @: Z# s) Q
法乐 | Dharma Bliss
2 U; [2 P' r/ I0 y3 w. a藏地的无著菩萨,是《佛子行三十七颂》与《入行论释》的作者。任何人只要读诵他的著  h* W% Y  B$ M7 @4 h: \  h8 L; T
4 b  ]- s% Y, l# ?The most reliable and enduring happiness in the world is the great bliss derived from studying
; r1 y' D7 Y  X5 bBuddhadharma. This kind of bliss is very different from any earthly happiness. Bodhisattva) L9 ?- F* y5 I5 C# @# M2 ~
Thogme Zangpo of Tibet is the author of The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva and The Commentary0 f) {5 |* A. t, q' h/ F8 o
on the Bodhicaryavatara. Anyone who comes into contact with his teachings will spontaneously+ B1 [  I$ O& Q. E2 w/ h. c3 r
arouse genuine bodhichitta in the mind.
- `, r) c) Q$ O* v, ]. e* W他在对弟子的言教中,曾将世间安乐与法乐进行了一番深入透彻的比较:“以智慧而生存
( f( a9 @9 O6 y+ v- u所能感受之胜法妙用,以享受饮食、女人、歌舞所获之乐受无法与之相提并论。”为什么
9 \2 g; Z( {( b% S& K1 q是这样呢?“因为享受饮食等所获之乐受,不能周遍全身;需要依外缘而获得;不能恒时
' F! w' d% Y; X# n2 r+ h随心所欲而得,只是暂时性地偶尔获之;并非遍布三界;其后不能获得圣财;享受之后即6 x2 L9 i3 A- [' {* x" m
消耗殆尽;怨敌等能从中作梗;不能携往来世;依之不能究竟满足;并且滋长今生来世之0 H( i/ C/ F5 d# {
一切痛苦;犹如麻风病人搔痒之乐一般仅仅是将息灭痛苦冠以快乐之名而已。由此衍生贪6 F0 o  |9 X5 q& `4 o% M
欲等各种烦恼,造作杀生等种种恶行。而享受妙法所获之乐受,可以周遍全身;可以随时  w: h) G7 w( k5 L" S8 X! ]. H
获得;遍布三界;其后能获得圣财;享受之后不但不会穷尽,反而日益增上;怨敌等不能3 H  Z: W3 ?6 U# K
! J& h$ [; H6 [) T# [0 E. s+ J仅冠以快乐之名。且能摧毁一切烦恼及恶行。由此可见,佛法是极为殊胜善妙的。”
5 R6 h9 ?$ K! m) l2 D0 k; h& B% m( QIn his instructions to disciples, he made a detailed comparison between worldly happiness and
, ~: T! ~* B0 i& @' sDharma bliss: “The pleasure of enjoying good food, women, and entertainment is in no way
' Y; U% R) [& s! Mequivalent to the bliss of realizing the supreme Dharma with wisdom.” Why is that so? “It is
$ }/ Y5 H3 o$ k' j+ M3 c" kbecause the pleasure coming from food and so on does not permeate the whole body; it is* B# k$ {3 [* f
obtainable only through external factors; it is not available at all times at will, but only once in a& L, n3 C; k1 ?' @# {/ q$ a0 b0 I
while; it does not prevail in the three realms; it will not bring the wealth of supreme beings. It is
9 `1 c* c- T% R+ ~- Rexhaustible after the enjoyment; it is susceptible to enemies’ interference; it is not portable to9 e9 g' Y4 c3 u, J* r
lives after; it is not a reliance for ultimate contentment; it propagates sufferings of this and
6 I9 R: @* S; ~) a. Bfuture lives; it is called a pleasure simply through its palliative effect akin to that of leprosy2 Q) D1 T3 @! {
patients when they scratch. It feeds confused emotions such as covetousness; it leads to evil
+ L8 F1 g9 @) }actions such as taking lives. On the other hand, the pleasure of Dharma bliss will permeate the: F( V+ J$ F/ M' o# ~$ A
entire body; it is available at all times; it pervades the three realms; it begets noble riches; it does" p  E" V$ l0 P9 f7 i1 B
not become exhausted after enjoyment but rather increases every day; no enemies can create
5 l9 t( q- q& @7 w, pany obstacles to it; it is portable to future lives; it is a reliance for perfect contentment; it does: l* n9 Q( o. }) p+ m1 T5 c
not multiply suffering of this or future lives; it is not happiness in name only. It has the power to  j5 G+ b3 \8 q2 o
destroy all afflictions and non-virtues. Therefore, the Dharma is immaculate and the utmost' I5 B3 N5 r" y* Y1 D  B
supreme.”  R5 p6 ]- [4 }; S( R* y1 t4 m" s
由此可知,法乐乃为安乐之上品。经云:“如若贪诸欲,欲念反将弃,若舍诸贪念,将获) t% C" |6 ]" o
7 s: p. H( L$ _& Z- W2 F2 DHence, we can see that Dharma bliss is the ultimate happiness. The scripture says:$ l3 m* D8 I2 U0 h, X
Chasing after desires, one is destroyed by desires;
6 _: K( F) p5 X; k- F5 rLetting go of desires, one attains supreme bliss.
* z* H( q- m3 M- j, MThe only way to attain the utmost happiness is to cut off covetousness.) O4 Q5 W$ F" F! l' Y* S! S& j) u
壬午年二月十九日  ; u) [; d' Y$ t1 V/ O' t
2002年4月1日 6 h$ e+ Y! z6 }: ?/ u
19th of February, Year of RenWu$ h& l; E% l8 O  f' [+ r
April 1, 20028 W5 `! Y# y: y) a; v8 a
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