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《旅途脚印》| 失败——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-9-14 07:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! x+ |" [# _; v) f5 L& c
失败 | On Failure
4 B0 G# ~, W. n# p. S风顺,经不起半点挫折。其实,失败也未必一无是处。有一句古训说得好:“祸兮福所倚
- {  e/ g% c9 O' e7 ?5 S# y,福兮祸所伏”。
$ E7 z$ }& u8 ?+ @, jPeople in the world, be they illiterate hillbillies or government luminaries, all eagerly strive to
2 u! @7 {1 U; }4 _2 \5 }  Tfulfill their own interests. When doing anything, they want nothing but smooth sailing and0 X, ?4 ?, y1 J8 w; ]8 @
cannot bear the tiniest setbacks. But in fact, failure is not necessarily without merit. There is this
5 G6 n( \* u2 c& B/ radage:
. u' K3 p5 O/ s' P/ jMisfortune, that is where happiness depends;
0 q0 K7 r3 s( I, H$ S5 z0 fHappiness, that is where misfortune underlies.
& D2 [$ }* |1 G" D& ~汉地近代高僧弘一法师,是集诗、词、书画、篆刻、音乐、戏剧、文学于一身的才子,先0 j8 Z8 S) h7 h& K3 h' f" {
后培养出了名画家丰子恺、音乐家刘质平等一些文化名人。真可谓风流倜傥,才华盖世。8 B& q( m& ~3 p' K8 h) A
1 j2 e2 ?  K8 N2 F4 k下了咀嚼不尽的精神财富,是中国绚丽至极而归于平淡的典型人物。
8 b: n/ p0 z4 T9 ]1 M3 u$ oThe contemporary eminent Chinese Buddhist monk Hong Yi was extremely gifted in poetry, ci
7 E6 `& G- Z" q9 v' }& B6 ~6 R) H(verse), painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, music, drama, and literature. He has also mentored a
: _# c. u1 X9 ~3 h. ~" enumber of celebrated artists such as Feng Zikai and the musician Liu Zhiping. Master Hong Yi had
& u! q; L: X2 ~  T! ~6 U+ Wa carefree and elegant bearing and his achievement in arts and letters was unsurpassed in his6 w0 g/ b  J8 n1 S
time. After he chose to be ordained as a monk, he studied unremittingly Buddha’s teachings and% S- Q0 h' y7 W" N) {
abided the sparing fare of no food after midday. He dedicated himself particularly to Vinaya
* r, q/ X8 l) A5 ^- g0 {! U' Wpitaka and is revered as the 11th lineage holder of the Vinaya School. He has left a rich spiritual
- D, o. \. g7 xlegacy for future generations; in China, he stood out as a model figure whose life underwent a
0 W1 q. S" L. u) I, stransformation from utter glory to utmost humbleness.) _/ c- z7 y* N2 k8 K
他在《闽南十年之梦影》中说道:“我的心情是很特别的,我只希望我的事情失败。因为4 j: P6 e: |, f8 M1 d; G
事情失败和不完满,这才使我发大惭愧,能够晓得自己的德行欠缺,自己的修养不足。那7 s0 e$ W9 o) Y2 X9 S0 u
我才可努力用功,努力改过迁善。无论什么事情,总希望它失败。失败才会发大惭愧。倘1 F) \; K* B: M6 T
若因成功而得意,那就不得了啦。”我特别喜欢背诵这段文字,这种有悖常人的思维,正: B3 p- P; k- s- [6 E3 X
( u& `$ g3 A8 ?3 O4 p$ f* S; dHe wrote in Dreams of 10 Years in Minnan: “I have a rather peculiar mindset these days: I only3 H8 H7 ^( n+ \  w8 f
wish for failure in the things I do. It is because failure and imperfection can make me feel humble0 D# H$ u* ?- I7 X  y' u5 W: Y
and abashed. Only then will I see my own inadequacies and lack of qualities, and strive to correct
9 b  I* L/ y7 n: Hmyself for the better. Whatever I do, I invariably hope I will fail; failure teaches me humility.0 M" ~$ p) \$ W* i9 a
Should I become successful, I might be puffed up with arrogance, which would be disastrous!”
% L' e* \! ]3 M. z' J& JThis passage is my favorite to memorize, as the master’s unconventional way of thinking reveals8 S1 F) ~' @; `6 e; S$ O
his extraordinary realization and modesty.' _  ]3 {( l+ x8 s
无垢光尊者在《窍诀宝藏论》中的最深要诀之一即是:“灭除我执恒自取失败。”朗日塘0 s% F1 {) f% J$ e/ c, L
巴尊者也有“亏损失败我取受,胜利利益奉献他”的遗训,与弘一法师的话相比,实有异. j. ^/ N9 ]5 O
9 C' M, Q0 S6 lOne of the most profound teachings of the Omniscient Longchenpa in The Precious Treasury of
4 G5 s% c$ t; ~' g2 C& O" L7 BPith Instructions is: “One must cut off self-clinging and choose failure always.” Langri Tangpa also8 U6 v& W4 r6 O! q
left the teaching:+ u! Y7 e, L# d$ s9 Q
May I take upon myself the defeat* x6 ^- Y8 C) B# x9 g+ P; V# k2 o
And offer to others the victory.7 m$ F+ m9 J8 |4 W
These teachings are fortunate coincidences with what Master Hong Yi has to say. The prowess of
5 _5 |! W5 q. b! x4 {  W$ Ga truly brave man, after all, lies in his capacity to be unafraid of failure and willingly embrace! `6 L6 h5 K+ Y6 _, k" l4 ?( N* m8 f
failure.' s% H/ m7 Z' B+ R& @- B3 j- \# U
关于如何面对失败,世间也积累了不少以辨证的眼光看问题的格言,如 “塞翁失马,焉知+ k. n4 G# U; ]5 d3 ]
1 F' a' u* X! z3 v, d8 b。作家罗兰曾说过:“在人生途中,你每走一步,就必定会得一步的经验。不管这一步是4 h) s: n. O( P' g* d, |- K
对还是错,‘对’有对的收获,‘错’有错的教训。绕远路,走错路的结果,你就恰如迷" n, ~; A" p# H9 f* L
  B$ J! |* F% M8 u2 D  Q见的鸟兽。而且你多认了一段路,多锻炼出一分坚强与胆量。”1 P! }8 j' u! ~+ \- g
There are many proverbs in the world on how to face failure squarely. Many are the fruition of
6 p" x$ c  ]( H! P) \valid analyses, such as: “When the old man lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a
: C. N0 E% r. Q# ublessing in disguise? A loss may well turn out to be a gain,” and, “In adversity, we thrive; in
! y- Z3 f; k1 b" qcomfort, we perish.” Many people also appreciate that a convoluted path is bound to provide( L! P5 H& m5 C: J, C/ c, J/ ^
some kind of reward. Writer Ruo Lan once said: “In life, every step we take brings the experience9 E6 x/ d$ \- j, b* {) r
of that one step. This has nothing to do with whether the step is right or wrong. The ‘right’ one
- {# E) g* U5 P4 y. A& m3 ^4 i. Hyields the right reward. The ‘wrong’ one presents lessons from being wrong. Taking the longer8 s4 y9 Q; v) k$ H9 |: r" ]
route or walking on the wrong path is just like being lost in the deep mountains. While people) V8 T- f5 N/ ?6 ]% `
are worrying and bemoaning your safety, you hit the opportunity to collect rare flowers and
" q/ n* V# `- d5 M' V+ I! Fberries, and you spot exceptional birds and animals. In addition, having to cover the extra. z- U: y' Q: n
distance, you have cultivated extra courage and tenacity.”, S8 @9 O) m) E6 U& S
若能勇敢地面对失败,则将尝到其中的甘甜滋味。$ x9 z# d" z1 {$ E5 Q4 `0 V
If we face failure bravely, we shall come to enjoy its sweet taste.; l( v& y; @: p' W2 P! t) Q
壬午年二月二十日  3 ~" p8 ~/ V9 t+ }: {3 @) y
; X# s1 b# O. Y% _9 ~20th of February, Year of RenWu8 A; l7 n0 g7 }- f, x9 E
April 2, 2002
5 K. r" b, P8 w1 f3 A/ j' C
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