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《旅途脚印》| 歌声 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-12-30 19:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

( I& E7 w9 K, e5 U
歌声 | Sound of Singing; s! }/ T- A- g; O/ b! o$ b
* t$ j& ]5 {( [( I8 _! N7 D
很久以前,有一美丽绝伦的舞蹈师,叫无喻姆。她的舞蹈美轮美奂,她的歌声如同天籁。& X% @# y& f9 G! y7 m! j, ?* U
4 F+ |% R6 r3 V+ g
3 f. W1 M4 P5 J5 d# X# r
0 T5 ~; g2 w! g1 Y0 T
A long time ago, there was a dancer of ravishing beauty named Incomparable Lady (Wu Yumu).
/ Q; x$ ~5 f8 \, N* o1 W) t: M  L' k; s  r" n
Her dances were most fluid and graceful; her singing voice was as pristine as the sound of8 v3 e, h5 o& n$ l) `/ g

* a4 E* J  P6 b0 g/ F* ^nature. Both her dancing and singing brought tremendous enjoyment to many people.5 ]) J0 j% i  m0 ^$ y; a. d

# H* U* ]/ i/ m. _她的一首歌词,更引起了人们的深思:“自心常依正法者,谁愿造孽趋恶道,驱遣暗夜明
# G0 K) N( Y; f9 a& _/ T! A: C6 z6 H* `+ r) F# z  l/ r# q
0 i! h7 ]3 b3 I* Q# Z7 B2 e; |7 Q
2 v- _9 p8 x+ P# X# Q
The lyrics of one of her songs especially evoked in people deep contemplation:- b0 D9 o  ^# F3 q
5 U& h8 v0 o6 w8 W' ~
With the mind abiding in the Dharma always,
$ N3 @7 n& X9 }: S, ?1 j; f2 t; V8 I/ F7 L, P2 U% z
One will not engage in non-virtue and stray into the lower realms.# F3 _+ I5 f; ?1 w2 [. f
1 _: d8 a  L7 Q8 D
As the Dharma light shines bright to drive away the darkness of night,; U1 o. p) S, X; i8 I! j" g
" _5 e0 `' j; I
What a shame if one still wanders onto the wrong path!
8 ^" f+ Q  m, Z0 j
) W3 Q" ~* K# C& X4 k2 S& \听了这段歌词,散乱的人们陷入了沉思;欲杀国王的大臣抑制了恶念;苦行的出家人断除
+ b) b, f0 Z& W0 f) }' x- }9 \" I- O: `+ o; c+ @) a1 e2 K/ R+ ^5 _+ K2 d
了还俗的欲望;痛苦不堪的众生消除了烦恼……她的歌声,令国王和国民都生起了极大的1 P5 F, G; |0 q: V- j0 ^

: ?' ?9 s! r" y( y8 p欢喜心。
1 A+ H' S3 E( ?: `, n0 G/ v
! K3 c7 E4 X3 e$ e' A, _
Hearing this song, people with a distracted mind found themselves deep in thought; the: E: }- l/ m0 I5 K  d3 d4 c! ^

% C% n, P. E, D# M4 Jministers plotting to end the king’s life subdued their vicious intention; the ordained mendicant
! \9 Z9 F: ?9 l' @1 o6 ]
: w" P' a; m1 R9 s$ O2 Twishing to leave the order and resume secular life dropped his plan; beings steeped in immense8 R7 K# f  r2 i7 R
5 x* c4 g% ~  o3 V
suffering became free from afflicting emotions…. Through her beautiful singing, everyone in the
2 P& g8 D7 W$ V) v0 }& Y8 Y% k! i; M% {: A/ g. u
country, from the king to the common citizen, was suffused with incomparable bliss.
/ s3 a9 i! l* b# D# ^: p
/ \+ Z  [  C! H* z这一切并非编造,是确凿的事实。当时的人们业障浅薄,即使是简单的歌词,也能警醒世
& M3 m: h9 v; D' G$ K( ^- A! {( k
& k& ?6 N" L! p. A3 b人。然而,现在的人们整日为一些无意义的事所缠绕,即使是殊胜的窍诀,也充耳不闻。8 }. o: u) F" I! r3 V
) T) V8 x7 @; u5 Z; x
对这些忠告,更弃如敝屣。众生的根基千差万别,解脱之法也是五花八门。对一些看似肤$ @3 r- V" n7 _. j0 D7 I+ {

3 p5 Q2 y( \% w* x5 R浅的言教,千万不要轻视,哪怕是看来浅显的法门,若认真思维,专注法意,即使一个颂
, G' `6 b: f. W+ U9 U
2 U5 _! c- x' _6 }5 v( ]词,也能断除烦恼
: y. O! `8 c4 v
. A5 y& U# ~+ b/ \' J' D4 S1 D
This is a true story, not a parable. During that time period, people had less karmic defilement and
) p6 a6 p8 w5 M# c9 S: N- {) B- D/ Z. S
could be awakened easily even with simple lyrics. However, the situation nowadays has
+ P  ~) u; i# e* f
/ K- b1 N" N# Q; nworsened so that even the highest pith instruction is met with deaf ears, since people are deeply
5 L4 a% P' C0 E4 j) C! L+ }; @* z+ e0 P: P
ensnared in meaningless activities. Knowing not how precious the spiritual teachings are, they
+ _- M0 s/ `& C8 F4 B+ Q+ K+ V: ?4 P. t
treat them like worn-out, useless shoes. As beings vary vastly in their capacities, there are many
6 t5 O9 L3 u& u- T4 k/ C+ k! ]$ c, r
! _, h* n, V4 h: K& |varieties of teachings to suit each individual. Some teachings may seem easy and simple on the3 l% P% C# R4 g0 h3 S* Q
8 u; W: V  ^1 P6 a8 j
surface, but they deserve more than to be taken lightly. Even one simple verse, if pondered
* y2 E3 ^7 P( S8 k
' i( K/ l2 [, B" I. w  |$ Edeeply and practiced earnestly, has the power to eliminate afflicted emotions.
6 D4 I4 w! Z8 J4 c9 E& C% h
; j: I6 |1 [7 p1 Y如今,我们值遇了难得的具德上师,闻听了通往解脱之路的甚深之法。如果于此光明之处
; {" x. Q: m2 h; @( m
+ Z7 m' g+ G. P,尚误入歧途的话,实在可惜。
6 A2 O3 j7 N* \7 S
+ ^! b- [6 @( f
Now that we have met a rare, authentic master and have received profound teachings leading to# @: }$ B1 F- r  G

% L. F' x' N1 o: N( Xthe path of liberation, should we still stray onto the wrong track in this well-lit place, it would be
9 Z6 o4 z7 H( R. R" E( K, B4 o% t3 _) u+ ^
an incredible loss!0 {5 l9 _$ q- C! P. }
/ ]. Y+ M. l3 T2 B5 `0 Y: q3 E2 a
, t' ]" O* a3 G( |- k8 n- {+ k. F* i  m  y& C$ N$ ], z
4 m9 B9 ]8 t8 l) |
) X! Q# _- l* ^8 Q) o6 F
People rave about modern-day licentious songs and discos, regarding them as fantastic
8 I; R* g* Y7 |: @! d3 E3 q( j5 K7 n
enjoyments. In truth, rich spiritual nourishment is contained in the ancient melodies; to dig in
! z! g" _5 J: U$ n4 N2 e
4 s; V3 ^5 J( E, band extract the nectar from them is what a wise person would do.
& h  Y1 N4 W0 V. n7 m1 u$ k: `0 ]: R# }2 T& x
5 C, W6 k. x4 i& t; w( K" R! w: M  h! |" A. ~. F& [; @* N5 \3 r
' W* w6 T- ?5 s; W+ k" V  R! ]1 B+ Q$ H2 }* q: b7 G8 }
9th of March, Year of RenWu; p, a0 `. u+ ]

9 X2 d2 w2 w' }1 h& MApril 21, 20027 P4 L0 R4 G5 L. q: c
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