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《旅途脚印》| 枇杷 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-12-31 19:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" o; o" ~8 j. {- d& T
枇杷 | Loquat Fruit& e7 P) R6 K8 {% s; J) ^# }

+ H7 z3 [3 Y' v8 u3 Q厄尔尼诺现象使仲春的天气如同盛夏,天气异常闷热。

& L  S7 D# a1 f5 {2 m# {* e2 d8 J3 o! ^- m( y2 W
Due to the El Niño effect, the spring weather has turned out to be very hot and humid, almost7 l. B$ S% ^4 @
3 E& d% W' J0 I# X% D. {3 d( Q# x
like midsummer.3 v0 C" |; {% Q3 Q

& I9 S1 z* w* W9 N+ U忽见街上一人肩负竹篓,里面装满金黄的果实,在几片叶子的衬托下,晶莹饱满,令人垂8 l* N# n* L: W" i$ L* O
0 i3 s3 e: x, t! v/ R& z
1 L0 I  H( n/ u: p- p" l
8 s+ n/ s# M0 d- L汁液溢满口腔。如此美妙之果莫非是天人享用之物?一番讨价还价之后,以不菲的价格换7 y% z2 V$ ?$ m8 h8 c7 B+ P$ b

+ N  M1 R4 F, ]得几十余颗。赶快捧回家,作为佐书之“菜”。
; J7 r2 Q" Z9 W3 B

2 r  d9 d8 z: L( f; iOn the street, I caught sight of a vendor carrying a basketful of golden fruit. Embellished with. d1 j; ]4 A0 J/ w5 [2 o

- b, u* z8 A4 f$ o$ G6 o6 Ogreen leaves, the fruit looked so juicy and fresh, making one’s mouth water. I had never seen
: W0 h* `+ K' A9 a
% {/ d* N7 k' t2 X. t- Ranything like it, and learned after inquiring that they are called loquats. I peeled one open and0 `- ?0 \  v3 o, U2 d! Y/ z6 x1 G
. V0 m/ ?8 }& X! s
put it in my mouth. A refreshing and delicious juice filled my mouth—yum! Such tasty fruit must
9 C& s0 G: d8 P/ z3 X; @4 v  d+ w" u# K$ c2 g# ^! o9 J- O
be the treat of the god realm! After a little bargaining, I brought dozens at quite a steep price
! v4 I, a2 R0 T9 X8 Y+ L
- U- P; E9 W. V0 I- ?& T" Zand hurried home with them, thinking to savor them with my readings." p, ?* _- `2 h/ h3 x
. n5 U- P# ?7 _! m
: N# B+ E$ s1 j4 T
2 [0 g" n- h3 O( x0 b! y3 n" {的人有多少?得到快乐永远享受的又有几人?”的确,在漫长的人生道路中,既会有快乐/ e/ Q+ N( I5 B3 Y2 O! X. P

5 @; P- d  k, y,也不乏痛苦。无论何种身份,皆会尝尽酸甜苦辣。只有胜不骄,败不馁,坦然面对人生) p  ]8 T0 |4 d) i

2 X8 h$ `1 ?; y1 c1 j百味,方为具智之人。法国哲学家拉罗申福科说过:“幸福后面是灾祸,灾祸后面是幸福9 `5 M% B& F2 q

- U4 W7 g6 j, u( z$ ?9 P' P9 w9 X。”古代也有“福兮祸所伏,祸兮福所倚”的说法。

. N) }  ?3 L/ B
' n, A& T! \- K( ^% _% M( X9 MTurning the pages of the Great Biography of Buddha Shakyamuni, the White Lotus, I read this:3 X" k+ D- w' k$ T1 f5 o
0 y; I/ t& R$ ~1 o1 k
“How many people in the world will enjoy everlasting happiness? How many people in the world8 D  K0 G# E$ r: k0 h) R+ W' }

8 N2 z4 N" u0 Pwill suffer endless miseries? How many have never experienced suffering? After attaining0 ^5 |! a" e) f; B8 l

- b4 ]5 A) w- ^/ z2 D9 Ghappiness, how many have enjoyed it forever?” Indeed, throughout the journey of life, there will1 U. [: J* Q3 ^! V

1 z) \( S6 B8 L* v5 Nbe happiness, but suffering will be there as well. Whatever one’s identity is, one is bound to taste2 \( @1 U, U  W  \* S- S; K. c
4 F4 o$ T* X- ^8 ~
the assorted bitter sweetness of life. A person of wisdom therefore must meet life’s vicissitudes# n) e+ d- c. \9 c1 _4 W, X

1 \8 t! x4 h7 o$ F. Z2 |5 Ccalmly: neither becoming arrogant with success nor discouraged by failure. The French
0 A) e1 _8 _% {& V; s1 ?
; b, q- q8 R, ?6 hphilosopher La Rochefoucauld says that the happiness and misery of men depend no less on  n7 t6 C2 W( d+ A, U
/ p8 m/ _0 F, F
temper than fortune, mirroring this ancient saying:
4 w" v% d4 ~/ [; W
6 L/ s6 ^. `! w. X9 T) Q" A4 yMisfortune, that is where happiness depends;
/ x6 L4 U% A- J! |+ t, H: `" @( _- t; }/ S& ~% H7 B
Happiness, that is where misfortune underlies.
# R, C- m" f1 @* R) t4 o' ], c9 j/ W  W6 [: n: T) _: J- I6 i
可见一切都是相对,一切都是无常的。2 w% S* i* o# ~( l8 ~- R: q! \+ b

! p( \$ V, c9 L: `. \0 AWe can see that all things are but relative. Everything is impermanent.
+ g* b6 T1 V; S( D* b' G. B6 h2 J6 @: u. z
. V5 u0 f0 c" u无论快乐还是痛苦,当产生强烈的苦乐感时,都应观其本面。这是最有力、最关键的修行' m! y+ ?7 z) M

% I; t5 r& E% ~7 _1 q方法。
5 g. `! }. g3 L+ }& k+ T

* j. G, \4 m1 E0 [4 N! Z# N9 xTherefore, whenever we are seized with intense emotion of pleasure or pain in a happy or sad# X& u5 |, d2 x, ], s4 l3 t8 j
% D- K6 @) a" ^" u
moment, we should look squarely at its essence. This is the most crucial, most powerful way of" o" ?. A" }7 O; O' [8 Q* B# Z
- T9 S! K+ }6 g/ n0 M
practice.$ C9 O5 C, ^9 x* N

$ O$ ^  e' c/ p$ c想着想着,不知不觉忘了吃枇杷的事。但我在书里尝到了比枇杷更鲜美的滋味。这才是世' Z5 E- r! R1 |5 ^  }6 \

$ Y2 ^% u3 A8 R: C6 k1 b4 p! m上最鲜美的枇杷,且经久不腐,即使历经百年、千年,也可永久享用。
) w" r- p, }, Z+ }& P; a0 L
4 F! T2 i, W2 R1 t
While entertaining these thoughts, I forgot completely my plan to enjoy the loquats. Yet from a) s+ P7 ^+ x( a8 P+ T0 f$ H+ P
2 f4 }9 Q( Z1 i1 R4 p
book I have tasted something more delicious than the exquisite fruit. The teaching is the most
6 `) n' o. A% x+ x; a3 z0 R; P3 i. X/ J8 b% J1 ^, ^  @* c* m* v: y
delectable loquat in the world, it will never rot, and it is ready to be savored even a hundred or a* b6 U" E. K8 y& p" [
2 D4 Z; N& M% o2 t0 ~( y) A8 _
thousand years later.' y0 `% B: A. j4 H8 m" F- K' x* v+ i

9 D; Q" ]4 @7 e, D0 N壬午年三月十一日  
# x3 S- o$ }' q, R' q- h% d& F5 q1 T, y/ E& j6 g0 k6 O0 _

. m: ^0 m9 l8 ?/ N8 E  C0 p& G) Z' G' o4 K
11th of March, Year of RenWu
1 I/ M1 o  x# c3 R* I
7 M! U/ |: o$ g/ c9 K4 |April 23, 20022 `; e% r( o4 L8 u+ G, x" N
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