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《旅途脚印》| 交谈 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-1 20:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

" L% p& g9 R; w! K1 ^  e4 U
交谈 | Nice Chatting1 C0 e% _) N- \0 s$ n) z
! s( P8 k, U& A/ A" H0 H
闽南佛学院后面有一座小山,其高度虽不能与雪域的名山相提并论,但于此地也可算是登: T1 I4 l7 h* X7 d+ D, B) O( A

: e5 }' H  R% i8 T' j0 ?! I高望远之绝佳胜地,当地人称之为五老山。登上山巅,整个厦门市区一览无余。令人顿生
9 y+ L2 s% b5 G+ ^4 r1 q2 o3 }0 Q% \% ?9 k1 |8 d, S3 A! b

7 M* t: w) L/ D# \- m0 W3 Z2 W9 u% X" v: H5 y; `! t
A small hill called Wu Lau Mountain by the locals rises behind Minnan Buddhist Academy.
  d1 m3 G2 F2 e6 ]7 P/ X7 M
. F* |9 \2 ?+ h3 B* R! ?5 s( yThough lacking the imposing height of those in the Tibetan snow land, it nonetheless is
- ]0 J1 D& U' ^- d  {* S6 P
  f4 g* x: n+ r% E9 Y$ {- jconsidered a great local spot to hike in order to enjoy a panoramic view of the area surrounding
; k6 I4 V3 @, A: L: o8 a) k; R" S
6 G$ V6 @) F1 G& i5 H; [it. Once at the peak and seeing the whole of Xiamen city, it’s easy to feel that “up on the Wu Lau,4 C7 w4 |7 X" n" o

3 _1 g* K" ]0 M4 Xthe Min Province is shrunken.”$ \* U9 G/ M/ @4 z7 g/ m- n

4 ]1 Y5 i0 K/ p5 j) t) V/ Q2 s山上树林繁茂、绿草丛生、鸟儿啁啾、春虫呢喃,真乃一修行之好去处。! P3 ^9 R: Q! j% k
1 d! o2 J" f2 P( F! r4 X
This hill is lush with dense trees, green with grass, and vibrant with the twittering of birds as well
; ?* \# y; l; L, Q  J2 k2 \& G
% `7 r" t# m) ]2 ~1 J! Q% jas the chirping of insects. It’s an excellent place to do spiritual practice.
# ]0 W( i/ h- f  O, u! d  B5 ~0 I4 Q
  x4 Y4 f5 _' K/ m, O
0 k: w: H  v) I" g! M. W/ h。济群法师培养了大批僧才,其培养的僧尼与知识分子已遍布各地。为广弘佛法所作之努
2 U! _+ P4 Y. ~) U: W
5 `3 K& G! p. A  c( t5 G力,也受到同道的认同。与之交谈,深感惬意。

) [; x8 s- _; T0 H- o+ D8 M" f$ c1 M$ b! |% h% K- `4 E' g
Halfway to the mountaintop is the Arinya Place, a sanctuary visited often by local residents. It is
9 W/ r. b  f- ^5 v; e* X
& \/ X( }/ B2 o9 X8 e* c5 b  O2 Ealso where Dharma Teacher Jiqun and I have planned to meet and chat with each other. Dharma
6 E8 H& k% ?( h8 N1 V- C: p9 t, P2 w( ]" k# M
Teacher Jiqun has long endeavored in spreading the Buddhadharma and is well-respected in
: C6 u' }0 `, y$ r/ n: r+ j9 P1 W' o; S" V6 ~$ o4 H
Buddhist circles for his accomplishment. He has trained many monks, nuns, and lay professionals
. e& k8 b8 {. t; r4 [. G
) _$ g6 s, J( y) b/ f8 fwho are now carrying out Dharma activities in many places. It’s a great pleasure to have a chance, z1 }* [  f) O
- h7 X  f* B: T# Y$ _- r+ k
to talk with him.
% U& M* v: |/ {9 a& v- u
7 o6 D1 K) A  M一边品着闽南人最喜欢的“功夫茶”,一边交流心得。我谈到了藏地依止上师的方式、传$ b" i0 E  D! \- u' ?( A: T0 u
3 X9 o% M* e/ m& z
. Z2 r% u- d: _3 b. ^5 H
0 o3 z# d" K  K; ]) |行不可偏废的重要意义。他感慨道,在五浊兴盛之今世,通过闻思修行建立正知正见,消
, O* h9 j* v1 U
; {4 b4 l6 J' N1 L4 V% z除烦恼非常重要。他的观点令我有“伯牙子期”之感。的确,佛法的真正目的是为了消除  v. W; b8 {: f1 y8 o7 x9 t
0 u) O* [/ n& E
烦恼,若不能将佛法运用于实际生活,融入自己的相续,其他一切形象上的建道场、造佛& w9 @. U1 N# p; {) s' u

" {- M, J* H$ |5 B/ U像都是空谈。只可惜人们往往不明其理,真是令人叹息。
3 J# i  x! A! c; V- n

9 B: K7 z+ O9 B6 Q! M7 ^- @Sipping Kung Fu tea, the chosen beverage of Min people, we exchanged our thoughts and
" r: w# O. q5 u* j1 W  T* v7 n$ h" R0 R% L: a3 i* S
experiences. I mentioned the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, its way of following spiritual9 y, h2 S% w0 J0 P! p9 O

$ A( }0 y3 z" l; F! ateachers, and the many heart-rending stories of past great masters in this regard. We paused to  e6 f3 Y5 d& E+ \& [
, o6 l7 m* g5 c, _& |
admire some of the most inspiring ones. I also stated the central role of listening to, pondering,
! y7 k6 A8 w$ D" L$ [8 n5 E; X: v6 r9 g7 p9 M
and meditation on the teachings; none of them can be spared. He agreed with a sigh that, indeed' J) ^+ e( o/ v: I# u, E9 H' i
  L3 v+ H. N  M3 V! B& g% P6 F
in this time of five degenerations, it’s crucial for people to work on these three wisdom tools in" x, V% V2 X3 t( L! w

/ n  \' C- U5 q5 Worder to establish the right view and uproot afflictive emotions. His words lent me the feeling3 c3 r1 i% k) v8 G# M
- M; ^0 {" n$ L9 l: G- \8 Y+ L0 M
akin to Boya meeting his soul mate Ziqi. Certainly, the real purpose of Buddhism is to empower
- C6 ?: S( @/ n1 B
- C. F4 m' K4 C, O/ k& o$ _people to overcome confused emotions. Unless Buddha’s teachings are infused into one’s own
: u- A3 _+ H" f0 Z! f2 N+ R% T( ?6 ~$ _- G; ]5 }) ^
minds and applied to daily activities, all other feats such as building temples and erecting statues
! Y  \" a* r; [
. g9 X% _5 B' E* y/ U7 c3 X+ a# tare but superficial and meaningless. Regrettably, very few people grasp this truth. It‘s a shame!' }1 z4 F1 I, t% }$ O% a* O" Z' [
$ G, h; }  H- ^0 k! u8 T
不知不觉,日已偏西。我不得不起身告辞,但愿此生我们还能有缘再次促膝长谈。只怕世' k0 y. ^$ y" Z/ [0 J2 c' ]* C* j

& \. W" W! r+ G6 j事无常,此愿难遂了!

/ W+ z+ o, D0 p( f0 m( \' E4 [& U* ]" |6 Z- i
Without us noticing it, the sun was already setting in the west. It’s time for me to take leave and' N  x  K9 w8 Z4 t: n' {7 O/ W

" T) u* p2 y% ~) ^- K( |to wish for another heart-to- heart talk while we are still around. But with impermanence4 J  o1 f8 v# W/ c

! s; D2 a* Z$ Q- T% Z: rpervading all places, I am afraid this wish may not come true!
, I( G2 A5 v5 N# g; O! v" U) c0 U' {1 |6 K( s4 G; T
壬午年三月十四日  7 r4 b. Y5 M! I7 d, V$ F" K, ?
& v3 [7 e& W0 Y7 r' B

9 s2 O  b2 t# Z6 q9 ^4 k
7 w) d  m5 {& \9 O9 S9 ^$ N0 l14th of March, Year of RenWu
. p  r3 _  |. Z, e7 B" _1 b9 a3 Q' q* Q- x( [; A3 z
April 26, 20028 Q) ^0 `, A6 _. X; W9 Z: [








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发表于 2018-9-4 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
关注中!感兴趣的朋友都来说说8 i* Z: C/ c3 N2 v
) i) T5 e7 C+ A5 v0 ]

; {4 @8 _0 U; c% A- i" b8 m4 g' y" r
' p- u, c; J. S7 c, V# L! `7 s7 [# v# P$ z* G
( P3 m* w; `9 o+ g; |
' s6 s! j: ^+ Y( Z7 I4 V
& }0 s) l& |. f3 w: Q) k3 d4 K
. s0 O5 V- q& a
; ]3 R( J: _$ A! C( |

5 @) O4 Z6 J, Y1 q9 L( O, f* Q0 V8 `) N* H- {
上海   http://www.zeelive.com.tw/   2018年09月05日 網路散文, Z# l) T  G' c: k
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