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《旅途脚印》| 离贪 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-3 19:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
离贪 | Banishing Lust
; O' O! i- g- j3 g. k! X
$ j) ^! a: S% i/ h4 X  s

* S% v& y8 @1 K8 l, E9 [8 d0 ~, P3 r- S  _  X8 I
All beings of the Desire Realm, with the exception of sages, are afflicted with untamable lust.2 i& ^) `8 F6 I+ _1 B" f, p7 Q) B! H
6 {9 s) c' l0 {- Q" @( I3 H+ _1 v- a
Regardless of whether they are men or women, people in the world are quite attracted to the1 X+ g# x. S% F  Z8 ?

5 d" U9 X; b: b% ^3 W8 Xbodies of the opposite sex.
7 ^" J3 B3 ^  O1 e; v
/ n6 q6 x6 U& e1 L( p& a  |& W世尊在因地时,为度化众生而化现为一嫖客。第一天,他赐予妓女价值昂贵的珍宝。第二
  a& @! F0 Q: O% o0 N7 v3 \5 \, R1 Z" V- g' p
9 w% h5 r3 ^1 @( U+ D
/ m2 x! w8 {2 t7 N国王处。世尊说:“她所出卖的身体,本为充满过失之物。所谓的娇躯时刻都在变质,价
- y+ m7 @% A7 E1 a# @
' e  V' z( s. r5 L5 z* B& z( H值当然一跌再跌。如同陈旧凋谢的鲜花,蜜蜂也会舍弃。世间众生的感情也会变质。清晨
( K% U" @# N. q+ V0 {
7 P! R4 j. D7 a, p韶华之时,肉体可作性欲工具。衰败老朽后,自然也会废弃。众生哪个不是喜新厌旧?一! [6 _& o3 v7 c1 K
% B' O0 V. y" C% @
切有为法均为刹那生灭。年少翩翩,最终也会被衰老磨蚀。而寿命终会被死亡日日侵夺。7 a' q* |: [+ g

$ y( h3 |5 V, {" w& q0 }万法说到底尽皆无常。那些不知老病死等痛苦,毁坏自己肉身之愚者,所迷恋之女人身躯

. _. U' S- j, G5 _2 }9 ?0 H; l$ R$ q8 I
7 S2 Z3 D& M- ?9 C& A7 g7 y4 s
* I- W: c' i8 y4 n- t7 l( g: k. h个不知贪恋女人身体有诸多过失?”听了这番话,国王赞叹不已,妓女从此也停止了卖笑
3 h! [/ C# R8 [7 O& ^* J" C0 a
% e& A6 k' _" N$ E生涯。
1 F4 m9 M3 Y7 b/ k! N, ~( ]
  w+ F1 J5 d4 {( [  [8 v) D
The Buddha, in order to tame certain beings, was once reincarnated as a brothel visitor. On the2 k" q, b! L+ x, w7 G! J' n; j

" f5 o7 \7 R& L; {/ Ffirst day, he rewarded the prostitute with valuable precious jewelry. The second day, he offered
% P& H/ q' r% h" {- S# M6 B; {) k  l" I) z  b+ d
her ornaments made of gold. The third day, he gave silver accessories instead. The prostitute; D( e4 A4 P/ s0 s( p7 i

  V5 D+ G( \, }9 `7 ^% o0 Qexpressed discontent and appealed to the king. The Buddha’s incarnate responded: “The body
* B& q: y- D" S1 ], p8 ?, s
6 D5 k/ r( u( D' T, ~* L0 Lshe runs her business with is filled with filth. The so-called charming body is decaying every8 X$ t5 o; C! |

/ x2 U3 h5 x& h& U" ~moment; its worth, of course, has to come down accordingly. It is similar to how a withered
) s4 t* |7 E! m" n7 l( A
  v$ R2 [) h9 G. x+ B; m( x" Oflower is deserted by the bees. Love and attraction between worldly beings likewise deteriorate.' [' z' ?: K; @; X6 c  F8 f

( G. k: W, G& Q( @8 ?At its prime, the body can be employed as a tool to satisfy sexual desires. As the body ages and8 j3 @+ s- {: I. h! P! [
, X" _$ P. X7 ], U. a% T+ S" ^
decays, of course it will be dumped. Who can be immune to craving for the new and rejecting
4 ~3 W1 K7 Y) r; W. I: X1 n, t. L9 {; h9 x' r- `$ X
the old? All composite matters are momentarily arising and disappearing. An exuberant youth is
. S: J* d. I" l$ n, P5 J
+ k, W4 M. o7 B$ h  L$ [% mdestined to become senile and decrepit; the Lord of Death robs one’s lifespan each day. To say it
" e. X* I" S1 r: W$ R: X( N2 Z1 J/ [
explicitly, impermanence rules all phenomena. The body, be it of the indulgent fool oblivious of
: d. l1 u* C# ^
$ Z3 B- t& |+ R* ]2 v! G: aaging, illness, and death, or of the woman he craves, is nothing but sinews and vessels wrapped. t" ^4 A8 ~! l. O

. {) D# ~$ t! m% K  v6 mover a skeleton frame. Isn’t it utterly foolish to be helplessly infatuated with such a collection of. |5 i$ l( `/ }
+ k7 m8 Y" s. s5 N) L9 C/ I5 |" ?
bones and flesh? Who can claim himself as wise if he fails to see the ills of being obsessed with
( d- t! ^3 c; o3 r9 r6 H: q! w4 N4 T
the female body? ” Hearing these words, the king was greatly impressed, and the prostitute also
: |; G( F8 ~2 c  x6 ]8 C' k0 U, W
  P% Q/ L$ G, u* g1 Z$ k' C2 x: g2 xdecided to give up her brothel life.
! E: @9 t2 v$ T) j/ E7 ~: n6 Y4 t6 ^6 M
如今世上也有许多贪欲旺盛之人,若深深思维这些话的涵义,也会有很大利益的。( A3 t3 V. d* x) x8 ^

: `& [' i: a, K. T' h6 F: F- t; \5 PIn this world, there are many people who are plagued by severe sexual impulses. If they take
  V! @) K0 d3 d2 w, B8 W  I" n; r5 j
- J( L7 N1 ~& j$ d( O( H' U: btime to ponder the meaning of these words, they will be helped greatly.9 s' Q% P0 b5 I5 [7 X
9 f7 T+ k- C+ e4 W
9 l7 x; ~, p& y! q, Y" s. c- f) ~% F) |6 a
: u- J( [- ^# k$ v
: {/ Y9 h9 K* }' i( V$ k
Male or female, all their bodies are but heaps of filthy components; all their love relationships7 o' R( B4 b- m& z, S8 a

4 g5 d" v7 y0 ~1 f4 Xare flimsy and unreliable. It is really foolish to lust after and indulge in them.
$ b: L7 J% y! ?% o0 h9 X) f3 T; \2 }9 F/ y- @
壬午年三月十五日  6 K* L' r" B( _' U. Q" U

. v# P( J9 D5 n2 Q1 W& R2002年4月27日

1 h' M! G3 l3 Z
! Q+ V5 m" y4 k15th of March, Year of RenWu9 S% n4 M% `% a2 ]
% C! ~7 N. s2 ^+ Y, C
April 27, 20026 V; W7 |1 w8 b
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