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《旅途脚印》| 离家 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-5 20:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% G% e0 J* _3 E6 u3 u, K
离家 | Leaving Home! z3 v6 T' M! K  i0 h1 M* n' r% l

' w# m2 a! p# h1 T作为一个修行人,如果在家修持,极易为贪嗔痴的外境所转。即使自己想安住,也会因亲5 v' w4 b& h+ Y! ?9 K3 d- c
8 ]) k6 f( K5 e+ B0 ~% p, f
$ S& n4 [3 ?5 r: e: m
3 o7 @4 |+ A" n6 J! M( o+ ?
If a spiritual seeker tries to do his practices at home, he is likely to be influenced by situations of! `0 P" Z' J8 ?9 y8 W
5 i# L  ~7 U0 a5 s1 z. D+ l, y
craving, hatred, and delusion. Even if he has every intention of concentrating on his studies,# I4 b3 I; T; J* {1 p0 O

1 M4 D* M3 I. E9 @: f1 wfriends and relatives easily stir up his emotion. Hence, the smartest thing to do is to stay away
# M  K8 P( e" s2 U
" @. k: l9 D. J2 T( p3 `from home to practice.) q6 s" V7 L1 ]5 e0 X
" Z4 e' V4 W. D
佛经云:“何处生烦恼,须臾不得住。”8 d  T# S3 a8 g) j  D- q
: i7 t0 P4 P% |$ `0 k  F- k
The scripture says: “A place that incites afflictive emotions is a place not to stay even for an
  A) O/ s& W6 v- ]
. L0 m9 f' C& B. O. i* I2 yinstant.”1 Q; I7 v. o+ c
) C. \9 Q+ G1 d- `5 q4 i. Z2 A' V
; e7 f& g$ L, S( H5 h! e+ i) b* G

2 O8 {1 n( e$ T2 B- o! eGeshe Potowa also says: “Leave behind your hometown, relatives, and friends. Give up
0 b' E# C+ X' E3 S: M) `  v) B7 h, R, C6 ~
distractions and steer your mind according to the teachings. By doing so, you will attain
9 ]- ?  @& O" B
5 N/ [2 k2 J4 \3 t1 Cliberation.”4 m  I9 v2 g) X9 e& {* {

2 g9 r0 d& {6 v4 I6 G& b臧巴加惹的修行语录中也有这样一段话:“烦恼因外境而生,不舍弃故乡真是愚痴;修行, ]' h, u+ V$ }4 U
- S6 B* _. H1 p, a# L) D' O* `
需对治烦恼,不依对治者真是愚痴;听闻佛经依因缘而得,不筹备因缘真是愚痴。若远离- u9 O; O4 x" x
( Y/ c# T% S. M3 Z6 Q, F
  I0 ~6 x' \! b/ E9 A) A: r6 }; }
* n* _4 ?3 {! v' H; I即使短暂依师,也不后悔。若远离家乡,即有了对治烦恼的好缘起;不贪图乐果,即已产- Q% v- F% H8 ^& O: Q

0 [- }: z/ R2 a7 }, q" M# d生正信的好缘起;舍弃世间法,是发布施的好缘起。不舍弃故乡,贪嗔是不会间断的。因
; N/ R* H; W8 o8 q& R  N+ p0 w% ^' J7 {1 v  u  l+ ^
) W1 J3 U! h, k
5 y4 K4 i, C; m/ Q/ A亲友的牵连。”

0 [# L9 a, e. {, F
, \( B0 t" b3 G. m, \; ~; vThe following quote is found in Tsangpa Gyare’s teachings on practice: “External circumstances
9 y1 t6 {' C, }! a: o1 L' q+ b6 w: a: m1 T; k
trigger afflictive emotions, clinging to one’s homeland is indeed foolish. Spiritual practice is4 p5 v2 ?: ^! m* h1 U, Q& C+ I
2 v" k! ]2 L5 W3 N" K6 ^! d+ H
meant to subdue disturbing emotions, knowing not to apply antidotes is indeed foolish. The
/ O) }; c. I- h+ d5 `" A/ p) D# t  V& s1 g  w
opportunity to hear the Dharma results from causes and conditions; not knowing to create
+ B2 i, e7 N2 Q
' y! G( V9 k8 p9 t4 Jfavorable causes and conditions is indeed foolish. Having left the homeland far behind for9 O& W. p' n) B0 t& S& N  q+ s. y

" u( e+ X- l! z, c  t5 {/ Gpractice, you have no regret whatsoever even if rumors abound. Having resolved to follow a; v# C" E* V9 \0 D, P
  S) b9 }: d6 ~% T
spiritual teacher, you have no regret even if you die from starvation. Having realized the nature  M: M1 D: p! f

0 b, @" C$ X, j7 ]! {of the mind, you have no regret even if your time with the teacher was brief. To leave the0 ^' V3 [! L" \1 q" j
! T4 p- g  ~  t, B" p
homeland is a favorable condition for overcoming afflictions. To give up the craving for pleasure* Y- U/ H4 d8 Q. _/ I9 I; f8 l! ^

6 S$ s0 I5 D7 D! H" A6 cis a favorable condition for establishing right views. To banish worldly affairs is a favorable1 F/ K; {. [- V6 V! @

, a5 ~; C6 W) L) v) ucondition for making offerings. So long as you are attached to your homeland, you cannot rid: O4 m1 C' P1 B/ }" }! V
% b- B8 P' K/ @; B+ W+ I$ g
yourself of greed and avarice. Henceforth, the first crucial step is to bid farewell to your home. If
# ^; Y3 k$ R" h
$ z' _5 }+ r$ u8 Byou cannot give up worldly engagements, you will never have the time to practice. If you cannot! {7 I1 Z2 ~  c9 {8 g

" I+ B4 \* |7 {" J- B( o. yrelinquish your worldly possessions, you will never sever entanglements with friends and3 F) M) \. t3 ~$ }

9 v. C( [$ P/ y" erelatives.”
) ?7 j) `' A8 ~; X6 o! ?8 M! Q# y6 u9 d5 Z4 g
7 E( I% e: x; R- q! n6 x
" J. h3 a7 Z7 ?% m5 {* \7 D: d
In all, it seems the ills of staying in one’s homeland are indeed endless. A truly wise person
- ]. G" h- i0 ]1 |1 X
, O# |$ c$ Y# F7 Bshould let go of what is difficult to give up and carry out what is difficult to do./ B3 ?0 z6 _$ f1 I' f
8 c, M1 j! p# H8 P9 C
$ x& S% }& I' P* g; n! x& `
1 j5 c4 m* m0 F- \1 IOnly when we have settled in a secluded place, free from tangles of money and homeland, shall. ~3 P, p4 ]. x0 Z
3 ]% |8 C: h- J4 [5 c5 G
we come to appreciate deeply the sublime meaning of the masters’ teachings.
) Q6 n; i# R  \2 x9 x: [
7 a0 N" V9 O/ ^. p0 [壬午年三月二十日  
8 U: ~/ k2 Q( A0 ^# Z  ^6 p& s

1 b+ O0 T4 L" P7 Z( {3 y
$ ~$ C, ?- I2 N/ Z8 \20th of March, Year of RenWu) c# m$ w% Y& Q( j0 ]; g: h+ ]  i

6 A" N7 z+ Y. LMay 1, 2002! j( ^  l# m! s7 d/ y








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发表于 2018-9-7 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
参考参考,我认为很好,大家说说0 |, z/ ?0 b  A4 G5 t) c
5 U3 h3 w% [8 y! O9 @; L

4 B/ K$ M* E) M5 G, S* j5 s6 ]" l+ ?8 Y

3 V* N# _( _" I. \) o- B! V  S% K2 \5 g6 p9 |: L3 O: r' G

0 B* X( Y* g" I/ \/ o: a8 U1 B, u" p% M$ a, M
$ C+ |7 r6 O& J) c$ i1 Q* T* F
+ m1 d  z, @" [3 c: Q: k$ V0 L

8 O/ W% g1 ?& A7 m9 ^  O# E% D& u, T/ @* q, j( h6 Z7 n, w8 `9 L# ^0 S5 B
家常菜譜   http://www.gfgfgf.com.tw/zycs/   2018年09月08日 契約範文5 E4 y4 i& i1 [
中醫藥浴    愛情散文 http://www.gfgfgf.com.tw/mzyy/my/  髮型大全   中醫豐胸       http://www.gfgfgf.com.tw/zybj/ydys/  祝福語
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