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《旅途脚印》| 看戏 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-5 20:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

( d7 {" t8 `4 e, O
看戏 | Seeking Entertainment% H0 D0 Y2 }6 s) B- m$ f
" d/ {' p( `  Y( C
) o5 ?: H% ~4 g% G6 l+ Z; z8 p% y7 q. S: \3 b) C' M2 e/ `

' @" Y% {7 a: B0 ^/ i; w
8 m  L, G0 |  fThese days, human morality is sinking low and materialism is gaining the upper hand. People) ]* M; a0 L- T7 S1 v

. Z4 h) }! w) D+ l; ~! D, p; g5 X: Rwith any available time and money would go to popular places to see a film or a show, and term8 P% n' Z  [. z5 _5 j
8 T3 _9 G2 }$ C( _; y% M+ B
it refining one’s cultural taste. Totally mesmerized by the entertainment, it never occurs to them5 ^: {& p, z$ b( y8 s3 L& `! P: A1 e
+ D, B- x5 J, X8 j1 o
that they ought to reflect inwardly or to think twice about what they are doing. As to the issue of
8 v4 T( C$ T. l" t& ^# B, u( ^# ?, f5 g2 O% [
death, it’s something far too remote to think about.
+ k1 d$ L; x* v3 J. A
) b, k: z( U8 b3 w世尊在因地的时候曾转世为铁室王子,在过水莲节的时候,人们为他举行了盛大的歌舞表/ l7 m7 ?* G& `1 d

" l+ n& @+ o, v- s% r' b3 Q* \演活动。看到周遭的人们喜笑颜开,王子深感悲切地说:“呜呼!世间烦恼众,不稳无喜
5 b. D5 O3 M4 c: G9 g+ V! H) @; a5 i) w7 b1 c" T' k3 F
" a5 Z0 U* A% Q. V( h" e$ `$ E, _* w. B/ @' Y3 \6 o  p. @# H, U& F- f
" X, g* ]2 }4 t/ i
5 f4 \/ x5 y0 l
In one of his previous lives, the Buddha was reborn as the Prince of Iron Chamber. On the
5 W( c3 O& A* m& t
, C. _  D1 Z; e0 K* [! V( doccasion of the Water Lotus Festival, his subjects prepared extravagant shows of dancing and- R! Z' I  G: p) n$ n
# V& L4 _. i4 I
singing to please him. On seeing the jubilant crowds all around him, the Prince instead was
- p* w% R7 T7 Q, E9 y' R. g! f
) Y9 u+ Q! T4 I0 S5 t- q; t1 W# dsaddened and lamented deeply: “Alas! For beings rife with negative emotions, there is not a
8 A$ e$ B8 i/ p( r6 g6 K9 z9 W% k5 I8 r# U
scrap of stability or happiness. At the Water Lotus Festival, they feel their joy is everlasting. Not$ f* Q# G" [$ ?2 M5 ]
- n' k" j/ d4 W/ \# G5 K
having any worry or fear, such ignorance of theirs is indeed startling. The Lord of Death blocks- C3 Z8 a; L8 R# n" Z$ `6 A! u
7 P% \. {# ]: {& v' ]$ A7 d
the path of life. Just as one recklessly enjoys happiness, the nemeses—sickness, old age, and1 F! j$ {2 p+ b4 d

- ^7 a$ U1 X3 r+ odeath—wait always around the corner. How could a wise person be joyful when facing the1 P& j8 [1 C5 a9 |% c

& ^  P7 J3 c' P1 C2 ]rounds of rebirth?”% ~) J6 k: `! K4 t9 B
0 g( d3 D4 E7 Y, u2 a8 v7 P
1 Z: ?2 q: @% u1 Z+ Y! u& w8 K5 q& p. g7 B- _
/ V# N) d9 I3 b1 L
% L$ x/ E" f! H) r,整日寻欢作乐,企图在前人栽种的树荫下乘凉,最终遭致大好河山被人掠夺的结局。当& t: Q9 ]- m3 u0 E8 ^
! R; A) O& x) s* e3 k2 i
4 d; T* P# K' @
3 U( ^  P  K0 I; k乐,不思蜀。”丝毫不知亡国之恨,真是令人感慨万分。
& M" _( |, e' S% u
( i# i- b5 N* i5 r! H# T
Liu Bei, the founding father of the Shu Han Dynasty, established his kingdom through: }1 D' B/ k+ h* C* V9 m8 K* J

- i0 F) M- J9 F7 \$ i* r6 T6 C6 k! k6 qinnumerable hardships. To make sure his family lineage would last and not fail him, he earnestly) B% q) k$ w/ i4 P' z! \
( T& O$ I, R9 B3 K  x/ B! }
left his son Liu Chan these last words: “Never commit any evil deed however minor it may be;
, x" H: n4 R+ B; K* {/ P' B$ l1 N% z1 F; E8 S) B
never miss doing any good deed however tiny it may seem.” Liu Chan sadly did not heed the* w9 }* [3 ]: w" k( R) s0 Y

0 F6 {1 ^0 X; w- Madvice in the least. After his father’s death, he cared only to enjoy his ancestor’s fruits of labor,5 k% O  z; e7 D+ e! I% o( {+ n

- ?0 |9 {8 C4 e, uindulging himself in sensual pleasures day and night and eventually, he lost the once-mighty& a2 F0 s, g0 N5 f6 g

2 G* u: h. M. U/ v% R3 Rkingdom to enemies. Worse, as he was detained in other states, he still took delight in watching  _, t+ j6 L: n1 z1 ]
' j8 C' |5 U4 B5 g: }
the chambermaids’ dancing and gloated shamelessly: “I’m too delighted to be homesick!” In him
: a" l& ~) h$ O! @# `  Y
& g5 J/ S7 k, H, K6 ]there was not the slightest remorse or anguish that his Shu Kingdom had been conquered. What7 F9 g# k+ X, ^

+ L$ F( a& @# n2 Ka wretch, it’s utterly lamentable!
* `0 S8 X- \: {, P  ~/ G7 n4 `
  n) a, t2 P. ^有的修行人也一样,终日沉迷于歌舞升平的生活,毫不察觉死主将临,实在与刘禅无异。
- p; l3 I' u8 |2 O* f2 s) p
* ~* Y: Z2 p  _2 [9 W. C, fMany so-called practitioners, regaling themselves in pleasure all the time, are also entirely$ |1 J* X0 ^  z3 F+ `9 ?$ N% x
# {, N( F  L) X
oblivious to the imminent arrival of the Lord of Death. They do not fare any better than Liu Chan.
, o/ l" O) Y0 ^  o9 n7 J8 k0 v% J- u% [  g
* ]+ C: j$ e' O3 Z/ {! y" _2 y" u1 z8 P

, M4 h" P: }$ `4 u: G% S
. _9 s2 x2 ], o% K6 o9 VWhile watching a show, we consider ourselves spectators. But do we recognize that on the larger4 @, k% ^$ h  r. K0 k$ h/ w

7 z$ X( k+ r" vstage of life, we all are actors performing our own dramas? How to make our own show richer
* X  L3 Y1 k% c7 M8 p! D  [- Q% h1 h) \, h; P' w
and better to the best of our abilities—isn’t it a big issue worthy of deep pondering!
/ C1 }( M4 a, N- q2 i2 E
6 `! O1 m$ c# h) ~- I壬午年三月二十一日 0 Q' I% K) f: D- t9 M: j& t

1 U; z5 f  x8 ]3 w! d+ f- v2002年5月2日
+ B# B3 S, d/ C* @- x" N8 L) p6 j' x' A( Z( T6 H7 E& q/ B
21st of March, Year of RenWu3 f9 }# V# _% s% O8 H8 f

9 B- J* j# C; k; P2 m% j+ oMay 2, 20024 M5 K2 t8 W" d% X/ `% r








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发表于 2017-1-27 05:26 | 显示全部楼层
必须得顶呀!, S' L3 r: H' I  P, V6 ]

% b$ O+ G" X8 \- C8 ?
- E3 }6 b; X0 L' g, g' u* v9 N3 U' A; e8 U- z- j6 w5 R
6 O( N. `3 y" ^

$ r) L" ~+ \- K, Y' Q8 R, h( p6 H4 m
' b+ @* ~& X/ ]6 K% V* e4 W& n2 z: u% n/ Z

% C; |7 E4 ?& y: B- r
3 h6 ^  n$ g+ P
& ~0 B' {8 s  e4 D( m9 E( A/ q4 g+ }  p7 g, o; k9 l% h
經典語錄  名言佳句大全   BT种子工厂   名言大全   腦筋急轉彎題目和答案    2017年01月27日 http://mingyanjiaju.org/
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