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《旅途脚印》| 光阴——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-6-21 15:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( r! S- r  Z$ ~+ e% _% f
+ Y' R+ u# Y2 w( r2 T6 `0 `People like to think of time in terms of day and night. For me, I prefer to imagine it as a river of
# `3 I. A& H8 }. C0 [) @孔子走到河边说:“逝者如斯。”
. b, J7 ?( H. E3 x: u+ jAt the bank of a river, Confucius says: “The passage of time is just like that.”
3 y8 ~  |4 P8 G3 H4 l4 k哲学家赫拉克利特说:“你不能两次踏入同一条河流。”
5 b$ ~) w& v* NThe philosopher Heraclitus says: “No man ever steps in the same river twice.”9 P. ~" j, q! T2 j# @
奥修说:“生命在流动,它是一条河流。”" w5 d0 O' @) H4 a
Another wise man says: “Life is on the move; it is a river.”
5 q0 {0 R. u+ `- f5 I先哲们都以此强调时光的珍贵。的确,曾经如同河流般消失了的时光,永远不复回归。无1 I! @1 v  u+ n* v
- w; U; C4 V; M这段光阴,值得我们深深地思索。) `% B/ D$ l! @" u0 x4 z
The sages all emphasize the preciousness of time. Indeed, as a rushing river, time will never
: d3 d7 k2 W% R/ Q( @, y9 I2 g. I7 Ureturn once it’s gone, no matter whether it has been splendid or obscure, happy or sad. In this " W0 M# ~) c$ Y0 w' H# k! b3 N( A
life, we humans can live only once; thus it is important to ponder deeply how to spend the time 4 F8 o; l2 g2 M2 p4 N
今天一位骄傲的知识分子问我:“您老是强调要我们背诵经论。但我总觉得修行人应以发菩% l) X/ Q3 q1 v0 g( {% i( Q
  ?% l$ s) ^9 J: s) k1 b费很多时间呢?”他说得有道理,但我知道他每天“节约”的时光,并不是用来做他所说的重; g; C9 \, c( H) m. J" C. Z
大要事,而是用于散乱、闲聊、痴睡等无义之事。我回答他说:“你说得有道理。如果你的! E2 S% S5 P+ K- Q9 F4 A
时间真用于发菩提心、修禅定,我当然随喜。但你是否整天都修禅定而没有时间背诵呢?  y3 H% L, A, K  I% \
不是吧。”一句话仿佛使他恍然大悟。他说:“我明白了。其实我嘴上说的好听,实际上并( f" n( n' w% g6 f  ~1 N7 ^
& q+ {7 c" {1 _7 w% e: ?" r很感欣慰。不仅仅是他,如果所有的修行人每天哪怕抽出十分钟,背诵一个偈子,记下一/ L; A1 o2 ]( C0 `# D
段公案,一定会有所裨益的。( B6 b; h$ g( r- x3 }& X' w
A pompous intellect said to me today: “You always emphasize that we should memorize the 0 q. q6 ~$ m) V0 N* p
sutras and shastras. Yet I think a Dharma practitioner’s main concerns should be cultivating   o4 a" _% e1 U6 z  x0 C# }( Y: M
bodhichitta, overcoming confused emotions, as well as practicing concentration and meditation.
9 p  l' D, Q3 z) R8 c7 LAs to the theoretical aspects, a rough understanding should suffice. Why waste time memorizing # t0 @6 v$ ]4 B4 O  D
them line by line?” He had some points there. But I knew the time he so “saved” had not been
) }: o* ^( B) A9 l0 i; M' rused properly on the crucial tasks he mentioned, but rather on worthless activities such as
+ a* j2 E, R- M+ R" gdistractions, gossiping, and slumber. I replied: “What you said makes sense. I would rejoice for
; S( d) G$ ^; J' E, W0 ~: \sure if you were to really use your time in cultivating bodhichitta or sitting in meditation. But is it
: r, A# \. U0 \3 y' O  L6 ~because you are sitting in meditation all day long that you have no time for recitation and
1 g3 I+ Q0 B. `# K' @! ]" Bmemorization? Not quite so, correct?” Hearing this, he seemed to see the light at once and said: ) M8 V/ i' o# C' e) o( h
“I understand now. I am just a big talker; in fact, I have not devoted my time to practice. From
. k7 N% L5 b  Vnow on I will save time from distractions to memorize stanzas for at least 30 minutes.” Hearing 3 r- p% J6 K  d" H7 Y$ L, o" }: j
his confession, I was quite pleased. This case applies not only to him, but also to all practitioners;
0 t5 m4 e) r; x4 {' Ait is definitely beneficial to find time every day, even if it’s only 10 minutes, to memorize one # i3 M7 X; E% p
stanza or note down a koan.
" O& c" X( u& _. |& T) q鲁迅先生也说:“我不是什么天才,只不过是把别人喝咖啡的时间用来看书和写作了而已
1 b) R5 N, n7 M  A3 Y) U。”世间的名人懂得对光阴的珍惜,却不知道用于修行;修行的人懂得修行,却往往不知道
7 l' ]+ b+ v; Z$ E% oMr. Lu Xun said once: “I am no genius; I only make full use of time. When people are having ' c, m8 B/ l* J9 I
coffee, I’d rather be reading or writing.” Famous people in the world value time highly but know 1 _& S/ Q; D; @
not to use it on spiritual growth; spiritual seekers know Dharma practices but usually do not   {7 O, d8 u( ?) K
既然我们无法使时光倒流,如何使人生过得完美,不致临死之时为虚度年华而悔恨,就应- V. D) f' `) d9 m
' E) o+ `: |; S$ Q, o$ lSo long as we are unable to turn time backward, we should try to live our lives perfectly. + v- G) T: N3 x) |
Otherwise on our deathbed we will be overcome with remorse for having wasted our precious 9 Q+ G, t$ y' b- J9 v
time. Let us make use of every minute, every second, like squeezing out water from a wet 3 I6 m3 U: t& b3 p" l" `1 _
sponge, on meaningful activities; let us not squander our time on distractions.4 q- _! d/ B- [: [, v3 @
6 K; I0 H4 [/ a+ G8 X' n8 f2002年3月20日
) k1 j$ z9 d' o, x% h$ }6th of February, Year of RenWu
0 j+ b! z% @/ C5 q! s% cMarch 20, 20028 D5 ~( p  F- p6 v. H* W) Y
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