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《旅途脚印》| 杂感——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-10-23 18:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
杂感 | Some Reflections
为了配合治疗,也为了更安静地翻译,我到厦门居住已经110多天了。3 u: F( w3 h8 ]
To receive proper treatment for my ailment and also to find a quiet place for my translation
+ c$ p9 e7 }/ _work, I have been living in Xiamen for more than 110 days.) G8 p5 x0 x1 D/ \! ?
) e, L0 a& k7 X7 Y  L' Z. b$ L  ~# a然在街上被人认出,又不得不恢复堪布的头衔。
& F3 ?  b1 U$ W6 _$ R0 tIt has been an easy and tranquil life for me—no massive office work to manage, nor packs of0 O0 L% b. I  L& s$ Z$ p. E8 P
Buddhists to receive. It was not until a few days ago that I had to resume the title of Khenpo,
+ x0 W1 ^6 R- b. Uwhen someone spotted me down the street.
; a; P- H4 m: a6 ?今天有人邀请前往南普陀素餐馆吃午饭。很久无人问津,也许是耐不住寂寞吧,非常爽快
4 o3 O# v8 W- E0 [/ p地就答应了。路上看见很多即将被宰杀的蛇、飞禽,也买下一起带上,算是不枉此行。+ u4 \5 x9 ~, z1 o( L3 _
An invitation was extended to me for lunch today at the Nanputuo Vegetarian Restaurant. I
, `  y4 U; s4 C* R1 Xaccepted it readily, as I haven’t had any visitors for a while and perhaps was feeling kind of- F* g+ Z- Z! ?$ T  x
lonely. On my way I saw caged snakes and birds that I bought and brought along. Having the. ?/ \1 {) Q0 C. o% ~6 W+ Z8 w
opportunity to save these once-doomed creatures, I felt it was worth the trip.+ v  o7 W; G, z, @5 Y4 D/ Q
5 d( o4 O% [3 i( Q不到众生被宰杀的凄厉惨叫;闻不到血肉混合的血腥气息;看不到如母有情的无言挣扎
3 H* Y/ V' N2 G……厨师和服务员脸上都洋溢着真诚的笑容;五颜六色的菜品引诱着人们的食欲;就餐的% c5 Z+ q/ _0 n; V" b# `' G' \
人们也没有因贪食血肉而呈现的狰狞面孔,表情平和,神态轻松。整个餐厅弥漫着一种祥! s+ ]) |& `4 E( |2 z
2 d( X* D% `2 U$ I. k8 QAfter releasing the snakes and birds in the woods on the mountainside, I went to the Nanputuo; \! ?6 K! }0 @- |+ C6 X& F
Vegetarian Restaurant. It had an elegant and serene decor, making one relaxed both physically
6 G; I6 \- n0 s: K4 S- Oand mentally. There were no heart-rending shrills from creatures being slaughtered to hear, no( \1 Y! l  D/ s+ x9 D! d: b2 f
pungent odor from blood and carcasses to smell, no silent struggles of motherly beings to
  z; y* E! o$ i2 P5 _+ Lwitness…. The chefs and attendants were all beaming with warm, sincere smiles; dishes
1 ~; k( }) c2 W& e: r6 lembellished with color and flavor whetted our appetite. The faces sitting around the table were5 k; w" P: Z& n4 m
devoid of the ferocious countenance of meat eaters; instead, they all looked peaceful and
2 P9 C( i+ `: oeasygoing. The whole restaurant was suffused with an air of auspiciousness and harmony.& ?/ v: G1 E' j8 j
! u, v% ?3 j8 F2 W4 h基础特别重要。华智仁波切在上师前都听过25遍,更何况我们?现在我看了5、6遍,对于- e0 j% `  C' {5 O5 l
4 o: Z6 R$ m2 p2 N  b. c7 d9 _' I厚重,找不到修行次第。现在才知道,没有比这个更高深的大法了,依此次第修行,一定* m1 @" }+ v# U0 p" @
6 c& h# }  J  L7 S8 ~Sitting with us was a professor from Xiamen University. He said thoughtfully: “It is most
/ U6 E) X& E% H9 `: I  zimportant that we use The Words of My Perfect Teacher as a guide to build a strong foundation; C4 _1 \9 L' I1 x4 ]8 X
of spiritual practice. Considering that the great masters like Patrul Rinpoche even learned oral
3 w! g% i, G" s% p6 Bteachings on it for 25 times from his master, what needs to be said about us ordinary people? I) ], g4 |% r. H
have read it five or six times by now. It has helped me tremendously in subduing my negative
, e6 z" }% m/ U- c+ @emotions and in dealing with difficult situations of daily life. In the past, I have always sought, I2 n* p6 S" C6 [+ \
empowerment or so-called profound practices; I was steeped deeply in conceptual thinking and8 L1 o+ D) [* f) d
unaware of the graduated path of practice. It dawns on me only now that there are no other
& _4 g$ u  J' T' @/ S' d- v  Yhigher teachings than this. If one faithfully follows its steps, achievement will come for certain….”& N1 v- n9 W- g# z5 ^6 y
听了他的话,心里十分高兴。并不是因为他对我的一再赞叹,而是因为没有去过学院的汉' J0 V0 U3 A" T7 w" C( R
8 ]$ M# t2 u7 J/ U: M* J" w+ @, C院,常常以《大圆满前行引导文》作为每年必讲之课程,对此非常重视。如此传统能深入' M2 I6 A! J; b
1 D# O% ~  G* h+ F" t; `- b. }( pHearing what he had to say, I felt rather delighted. My joy did not come from his profuse praise
9 W- y6 L/ L' Q. S- h+ e% Vto me, but rather, from the fact that a Han Chinese was keen about The Words of My Perfect
" n& @% z8 D5 H6 R8 @8 J. LTeacher, even though he had not been to Larung Gar personally. It was even unusual that he had1 e% f/ G; a; R; f1 [
quite an astute and profound insight. In Tibetan monasteries, The Words of My Perfect Teacher
9 a% V( d; H/ M' b# m, n9 bis a required course in the annual curriculum with very high priority. Such a tradition is now being* N* k! q3 a  A% ~5 @4 b2 q
adopted into Han China; it’s something worth rejoicing and to be happy about.
0 c4 ?0 _1 G; \2 _看来,这个居士不仅具有世间学问,而且具有出世间之大智慧。
/ w# ~, v! o" V4 q0 U: rAs it seems, this lay practitioner not only is learned in worldly knowledge, but also possesses/ ?! x( |0 z# P" R6 z; L- o
great spiritual wisdom.
: r/ p) t# S3 q5 {壬午年三月初二  $ Z( M  q, @' k6 a& I8 z4 Q
8 H# ]8 S$ R# @" C  H# c- O/ G2nd of March, Year of RenWu
3 S  N! b2 k9 c& sApril 14, 2002
' ^+ s5 R" m% l0 F( o$ d4 {# T' ]
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