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《旅途脚印》| 可惜——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-7-11 21:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  d- Y' U: s. X2 W! W7 N现在的人们往往无法面对生活中遇到的各种痛苦,一旦丢失钱财,名誉受损,便如丧考妣
9 u/ b9 n, v# C7 ~2 c9 l9 c* `) l5 C一般。只有修行获得一定境界的人,方可断除贪欲。真是可惜啊!
) p3 _5 B1 W, v/ J" n7 Y4 G6 hPeople nowadays do not know how to deal with the miseries they encounter in life. Upon losing
! S+ @+ u" _5 r; ?wealth or reputation, for instance, they immediately become grief-stricken as if bereft of their
+ }* R0 ]: v  ]- i& n; yloved ones. Only those who have attained a certain level of spiritual practice are able to cut / m' }& P5 R* n, t3 k
through attachment. What a shame that most people are not there yet!
' l. Y$ _' U3 M9 {/ r. e- b- I藏传佛教竹巴噶举派的大成就者藏巴加惹(1161-1211),被人们誉为智慧金刚。他在24岁
8 R% d% w1 ?; k; D4 {8 Z- p时依止善知识,孜孜不倦地精进修学。学成后于后藏江孜地区修建龙多寺、日隆寺等许多. o1 X0 A! G' f& d$ i. T
寺院,并精勤不懈地广转*轮。当地的人们为其熏染,纷纷修习竹巴噶举之修法,并舍弃世, }6 U# m& k# T3 u" P3 k4 l
$ @' X! X9 |1 D2 f- ^: K; c+ k丐,丐半证师”之美传。竹巴噶举在当地形成了空前绝后的盛况,成就者的美名也家喻户晓
4 n( P+ e; `) r: _# I0 c. Y3 p, \2 \3 a7 r( ?5 ?
Tsangpa Gyare (1161-1211), known as Yeshe Dorje, is a great siddha of Drukpa Kagyu in Tibetan 2 \7 Z" {3 D8 r% s# E9 _# r
Buddhism. When he was 24, he started his tenacious practice under the guidance of his spiritual
) c1 b$ v1 s6 B+ r( S# g/ `masters. After completing his studies, he founded many monasteries such as Longduo and Rilong . g8 g3 v' X, G) r8 Z9 _! @" Q/ y: z
in the Jiangzi areas of Tibet and turned the Dharma wheel tirelessly. Local people were drawn to
2 w2 R7 v3 d7 h9 H# Z- b8 c4 hhim and they embraced the Drukpa Kagyu practice one after another. They learned to renounce 3 O% N( |5 |& A. h, N  W' a
worldly possessions and regard prayer and meditation as true wealth. Many of them eventually
/ G, z2 Z) {) L9 O$ Aattained accomplishment of various degrees, winning the admiration that “Half of the Jiangzi 2 S' Q# ^; N/ Z6 [/ t& H
residents are Drukpa practitioners, half of the Drukpas are beggars, and half of the beggars are
. L1 |$ f; A8 J3 a" c) _  t6 Csiddhas.” He brought a time of unprecedented glory to Drukpa Kagyu in that region, and many
4 M! J. |7 e1 ^# ]$ W: G5 f/ Dsplendid siddhas became household names.
( h9 A$ D* o( `* Q* `1 w- {他留给后人最殊胜的教言是:“具修证者之门房,幸福快乐已困躺,饕餮之徒难寻访;对治
: R  f( \: g) i  j# Z! P士夫之门房,看破尘世已困躺,具贪嗔者难寻访;断根源者之门房,舒心愉悦已困躺,具1 z7 i* m+ V4 k6 ?2 h1 L. `
# x! z5 r, A' b) C1 ]$ u3 i8 I有修证的人眼前,幸福快乐早已经具足,只可惜贪图吃喝的人却没发现;依靠智慧来对治0 @) L0 q  z+ j  ?+ u5 `
% F* c# d* T' b, {( ?" ?人与快乐时刻相随,只可惜心存希忧之人却没有发现;知足少欲的人财富常伴左右,只可7 l3 {! _; s5 g6 j0 f3 t* S3 k0 o& K/ v
7 H* C& |7 Z6 b) P9 H$ mAmong the teachings he left behind, the following verses are most supreme:+ x9 a8 ?  W  b5 M, W- [
Right at the house front of a realized being, there rests plenty of joy and happiness, but the
$ ]( R9 C5 ?) |* [hedonist knows not to visit.
& X% v. k! q) ARight at the house front of someone adept at taming confused emotions, there is the way of   v6 \6 J5 g6 _, M1 S
seeing through the mortal world, but the greedy and hateful know not to visit.
6 `: T5 H# ]' b1 X, P' XRight at the house front of a renouncer of the mundane world, there are enjoyment and leisure,
; T# {# M1 [, ~6 C5 D6 M# j% Y2 gbut those engulfed in hope and fear know not to visit.
& \$ I9 E; a  oRight at the house front of a contented person, there are fame, wealth, and glory within reach, : H: ^5 v5 o) m
but the covetous folks know not to visit.5 P; A  u9 u* X" h
The meaning of these is: Realized practitioners have everything they need to attain happiness 8 ~* y2 [3 s+ b" M
and joy; but those craving only eating and drinking will never know it. For those who have tamed
- b! `3 h2 j' _; w$ [8 Ptheir negative emotions with wisdom, to renounce mundane affairs is as easy as turning the
% o& D1 i( _: B) l) Zpalm; but those steeped in covetousness and hatred will never know it. For those who have 8 R1 Z) B; N7 k8 U# X  O
renounced worldly preoccupations, joy is their constant companion; but those engulfed in hope 4 c' z2 P; l. w9 R
and fear will never know it. For those who are content with whatever they already have, true " w2 ]5 w7 Q4 o6 z( x; D0 P+ V
wealth accompanies them always; but those inflamed with desire will never know it.+ \% I6 F: V* k4 }( W5 g2 j
1 @% k- {0 _: ^# h9 E7 |却常令自己深陷痛苦忧虑之境地,不能不令人深感可惜。, j2 F% f! }( e* W
Nowadays people are lured by sensual pleasures, prestige, wealth, and power. For the sake of
, b$ ~' \2 P4 s: b" {" u* esatisfying their mere hunger and thirst, people are forever busy and forever scheming. In the end 2 T3 @8 b6 C% ]) |8 O; ~8 L2 u
they are only entrapped in extra anguish and more suffering. What a shame it really is!% Q6 E6 Z7 O/ Z2 o- t' H
舍弃世间吧,欢乐将与你长相厮守!5 V& V2 Y: b0 o; `# O  c( f, H, Y
Learn to renounce the world; happiness will forever be with you!% ^7 O# r) t! l/ U" D$ E; Z" {
壬午年二月十四日  * |1 p% @8 Y8 G  V8 V& P, o
8 p" \% R$ `, }+ a+ @/ T+ j24th of February, Year of RenWu  i, K  g; [) R9 f" X
March 27, 2002( |) Y. s( k2 f
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