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《旅途脚印》| 解疑——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-10-3 19:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

; F/ a1 g0 j5 b: |4 x2 A7 o
解疑 | Questions Answered
# f; f4 F6 ]0 d1 m其行布施时作大违缘的情节。有人对此表示疑惑,为何帝释天要如此为难释迦牟尼佛呢?9 |7 M0 |) r  v9 C8 o2 V. O4 @4 s
In The Sutra of the Wise and the Fool, the Great Biography of Buddha Shakyamuni, or other
! b, q$ S" n7 D! F& B% X& Mscriptures, there are many stories about how the god Indra, in order to test the sincerity of3 R  G9 O$ L  w3 ?" \9 X1 G
Buddha’s aspiration, purposely created havoc while the Buddha was practicing the paramita of$ s# c- R# E) O
generosity. It puzzles many people: Why should Indra make so much trouble for the Buddha?
7 i* Z3 g1 R& d其实,这是因帝释天的发愿力所致,在释迦牟尼佛初行菩萨道时,为了释迦牟尼佛能迅速
9 m$ s3 F0 q- E8 \圆满资粮,帝释天与提婆达多一样发愿成为佛陀布施忍辱的殊胜对境。因布施其他东西相
! N5 }- E) o* C对而言比较容易做到,但布施身体的却寥若晨星。如果不如此示现,世人也难以了知佛陀
. D( e$ P: a2 X5 G$ ]) s的伟大之处。
- O8 V( S3 l$ a) h) S: |3 o! vAs a matter of fact, this came about as a result of Indra’s power of aspiration. When the Buddha; n! O* t9 c8 U" x3 M; i4 B
was on the Bodhisattva path, Indra, like Devadatta, made vows to help the Buddha accumulate
4 B2 c1 E5 i( q8 q# y1 Fmerits swiftly. To do so they manifested in various forms toward which the Buddha would
$ e* t9 `/ Z) |+ L3 Dpractice his patience or make body offerings. The deed of offering one’s own body, unlike a' D. w# v: G, O0 e. P: L& S1 j  W/ d
material offering that is relatively easy, has been achieved only as rarely as one sees stars in the
7 O9 _5 L' V- c" j/ |, Y0 [0 ]daytime. However, without such a dramatic offering on the part of the Buddha, worldly people
3 p$ l9 w# ]  \& T5 g5 \' mwould not come to appreciate his extraordinary qualities.
9 o+ u4 y+ W9 P3 N  d: h又有人提出,为何佛陀时常在行布施时,为了圆满资粮,而将妻子、儿女布施与吃人罗刹# Y' w9 t$ y. o6 r5 _* u6 |
,这样是否危害了其他众生呢?2 w- A4 M: Z, {( Z( p7 o
Others raise the question: The Buddha often offered his own wife and children to flesh-eating
9 A2 y. J6 ~, s! w8 J7 g% a! j; _2 Arakshas in order to perfect the accumulation of merit. Aren’t such acts harmful to other beings?
  v1 Y% b) f* ]+ ?6 g# \首先,佛陀的这一做法,只会圆满妻子、儿女的资粮,而不会对其造成伤害。其次,这一
) Q& f7 g. L+ A做法的发心非为自利,而是为了早日成佛,挽救处于水深火热之中的广大有情,没有丝毫
7 h: D9 t: {$ k( D% o4 y的自私自利心。《入菩萨行论》中说:“经说行施时,可舍微细戒。”又说:“勿因小失
! E" L8 M: ^: v( ?大,大处思利他。”在具有殊胜发心的前提下,可以开许身语之不善业,《观察三增上品
5 N& J% S6 c" D, p》中云:“于大菩萨开许七种不善。”《大密方便经》中也有类似教证。" u1 L- N7 l& m3 Y
To begin with, the Buddha’s activity could only bring tremendous merit to his wife and children;
6 n& y" ~9 @- l: g' ]& h- Fthere was no harm to them. Furthermore, his motivation was not in self-interest. It was wishing
+ j; z5 z: I) Q& ?$ vfor swift enlightenment in order to liberate multitudes of beings from dire suffering. There was
, j+ V/ |4 _9 D( Q7 W6 wneither a single trace of selfishness nor the tiniest bit of self-serving. A Guide to Bodhisattva’s
: g' g; A' `" Q7 \6 [7 M" g' b7 P' DWay of Life says: “For it is taught that in times of generosity, the rules of discipline may be8 g. K& ?5 N( k) ?0 r% B8 b
suspended,” and: “The great should not be supplanted by the less, and it is others’ good that is
1 u- Y7 p  G7 a* q- K4 xthe highest goal.” Hence there are times a Bodhisattva is permitted to actually commit harmful/ y5 J; I' k, T' V9 E) c; p
acts of body and speech, provided the intention is pure bodhichitta. The Chapter on the Three
3 u. T9 v& [, IIncreasing Activities says: “The Bodhisattvas are permitted to commit the seven harmful
2 h1 w9 U+ G7 X0 V$ z& b; n! c' v3 hactions.” Similar teachings can be found in The Sutra of Great Secret Skills., q4 f) n, S, f  I
, e. f0 S! B4 E6 k避免他人因贪己而死,可行不净行。所以,发心极其重要。如果没有清净的发心,表面行
- f- f- G1 l4 x+ f6 A; g持善法,恰如缘木求鱼。
: {, ^6 |( d3 m! w5 GThe story of Captain Great Compassionate Heart tells how the Captain killed the Black Spearman& n" j# `1 \2 Q9 g. _6 c! l7 N  Q
in order to save him from incalculable sufferings in samsara and, at the same time, to benefit
# K! U0 k) k  V1 L, a- e* }1 smany other beings. Brahmin Lover of the Stars, to save a maiden madly in love with him from( L9 G! P, m) {  T0 g
killing herself, broke his vow of chastity. Therefore, the most crucial point is the motivation." i  I; T" U! B
Doing good deeds superficially without pure motivation is like climbing a tree to catch a fish.
; e  _. J4 P' N, |5 L& F$ M% ]壬午年二月二十六日 
" Z# e) l' X: w2002年4月8日 
' k7 Z+ R1 [) W1 b; `) Z, J* h) n( ^26th of February, Year of RenWu
( @% a1 a1 g( ~April 8, 2002+ a& C/ M1 [2 o9 G
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