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《旅途脚印》| 闭口——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-4-13 19:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
旅途脚印 23 配图.jpg " ~# y8 Z5 C7 t5 d) R$ F+ x
闭口 | Tight-Lipped
, a/ c* v0 C& q# ?  t
( D7 `, N- m$ h
作为修行人平时应常观己过,时刻保持沉默。嘴应用于念诵、赞颂功德等有意义的事,否则会对来世造成很大危害。+ h7 S1 y' f/ n
( g; K/ v7 s, `9 _
As spiritual practitioners, we should always check up on our own faults and keep silent all the time. The mouth is to be used in meaningful activities such as recitation or extolling virtues; otherwise it may cause grave harm to future lives.) e$ T: P' T9 }9 D4 j

; A- d2 J4 X/ t3 i0 m莲花生大师离开藏地时教育弟子:经常胡言乱语者容易被别人了知其心,其嬉戏之语有时被理解为真实,其真实语有时又会被误认为玩笑,容易之事也因此而难以成办,诸弟子应闭口寡言为妙。藏地大德常用此语教育弟子,使其免造口业。( B/ K) P$ s% a% `* g: |% ]) x1 e
* B( A( N5 n) ]1 N
Master Padmasambhava, when departing Tibet, taught his disciples:
. O* m9 g8 u) N! }9 R0 W8 m0 l, Y% [7 }" L+ t
Loquacious people easily betray their thoughts to others. Their jokes sometimes are interpreted as the real thing while true statements are misunderstood as jokes, making even simple tasks difficult to accomplish. Thus all disciples had better keep their mouths shut and say very few words.2 E& v8 i" d3 x& |# i
& J7 u# v7 C$ w! @( e
/ ^; C( x8 T0 E/ q, @  m/ M* m3 W2 U6 S3 s' T
Great Tibetan masters often cite this instruction to caution students, lest they commit verbal non-virtues.
+ p1 Z0 h" }5 W% g1 K: c8 V! x2 X9 I& z
The great practitioner Geshe LeSogpa says:
  |2 \+ g6 X" C) b4 ]/ F/ b7 Q
. B! X3 S# R3 W2 i! l- r' @People nowadays like to chase after high teachings; they spend days on end requesting this or that instruction. Yet rarely do they put the requested teachings into actual practice, nor do they care about accomplishing them. Bragging that they are disciples of the Three Jewels, they always babble, ‘I am a follower of the Three Jewels,’ yet they slander their teachers or Sangha members behind them. I always think the mouth can really drag us to the hell realm. If people were to listen to me, they should lock up their mouths and hand the keys to others. The mouth would stay locked all the time, opening only for the necessity of eating. How wonderful if this would actually happen!
- X0 Q) P" ^5 e& m5 c& F! b" t0 c  |( |5 O+ {

0 ~. o' b/ a6 y& ]3 J1 h6 W/ FZen master Shimen Huikai called himself “the silent old fellow.” He wrote this poem:" P' C$ n, c2 v( ?6 j
; M1 F+ J5 ]/ J
. y' e7 I8 w+ r; f0 B“饱谙世事慵开口,会尽人间只点头。莫道老来无伎俩,更嫌何处不风流。”从该诗的字里行间中,也不经意地流露出禅师早已谙熟世事,进入真正风流、自在、逍遥之境界,既不在乎他人的赞毁,也懒于谈论他人是非短长的博大胸怀。
( U- n! V8 T+ \: e- B' y% Y
. \" @: M: N  ~( u8 w- Q4 ABeen there, done that, I am now too lazy to talk.
& _* `7 _: y/ B7 y6 l3 V
) {& W" T. j) y/ @- WSeen it, known all, I care only to nod to people.( K6 A3 e2 {, d
, p) ^2 o( z9 L& ?' ~
Declare not that this old guy knows nothing,
7 i3 e4 {: |8 U! l6 ?; r! ^
# Z3 |7 K8 z' j& n  \8 {Charming and unconventional is everything but him.& ?3 Q  @; W- J  [0 m4 \( P1 x

$ ?3 w8 C" S# u. g0 b世间也有“沉默是金”、“满罐水,摇不响;半罐水,响叮当”的说法。由此可见,闭口是多么的重要啊!
- P% h2 G4 N: ?' K1 @0 B

: o. [+ S# {* J4 w& k$ fIt’s clear between the lines that this Zen master has seen it all in this world; he is unconventional, carefree, and unfettered. Being broad-minded, he is unaffected by others’ praise or insult, nor does he care to discuss others’ personal affairs.& H! i7 P$ \8 n6 [! ?& s0 @

) [4 \* i: F0 yOther adages also say: “Silence is golden,” and “Full of water, a jar makes no sound; half full of water, lots of clattering noise.” It is obvious, then, how important it is to be tight-lipped!! u. V$ S8 l" M% U
. j7 C# U+ M2 l5 L  Y
壬午年正月二十四日+ l( t5 R1 ~5 o/ m

/ k5 ~; V* j4 T; O* e$ f2002年3月7日
0 Z) T) m" Q+ ^9 N0 v5 z- W1 M$ M9 e% Q9 @
24th of January, Year of RenWu
: T6 x6 w" y/ u0 g; q+ S% w0 g3 g
( f6 A3 v4 Y+ ?. W/ `5 pMarch 7, 2002
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