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《旅途脚印》| 假相——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-10-26 19:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
假相 | Illusory Appearances
世间的所谓圆满之事,虽然表面看起来美满无缺,但详细观察却常常是痛苦的因。  h/ @! G5 B* f( H- c$ i  l* x
Many so-called perfect things in the world may seem entirely satisfactory on the surface. But" R- }! K& \$ d* I" J# I2 [% k
upon careful investigation, they usually turn out to be the causes of suffering.
5 L1 p1 A- i' R" M/ e4 P: t龙猛菩萨曾说:“一切欲妙生祸殃,难信如同木鳖果。”也就是说世间的事情,表面看起# v9 V7 x# q2 r1 Y. }* F
- s! q4 n5 J. W) k0 I已悔之晚矣。. R7 _) l3 Q! n, B! H9 @" a0 P
Nagarjuna says: “The Buddha teaches that all the satisfactory matters in this world are just as
, }: `9 R; p/ N/ t2 m% b$ [9 tuntrustworthy as the poisonous fruit mubeigou.” In other words, many affairs in the world* o; H+ _3 B: |; c
appear as colorful and enticing as the mubeigou fruit; people conclude that their pulp must
" X: q# V- q4 \1 W( }1 ylikewise be delicious. It is only after eating that they realize the fruit’s poisonous nature. But alas
$ q; M" ]# X* s7 {2 f! z: C  Nthe regret comes too late.2 W1 ^- E8 y" j  k
世间的事情常常是这样,最鲜艳的蛇往往是毒蛇,最绚丽的蘑菇常常是毒蕈,最美丽的女! _) k& D: Y( M, B$ f
人大多是祸水。倾国倾城的海伦导致了特罗伊战争;沉鱼落雁的陈圆圆,令吴三桂冲冠一7 e6 m; K; D7 A( p; O0 |) ?8 ?
怒为红颜。因为美丽的女人,而引发绵延不断的争斗,导致无数人深受其害。可见,一切2 a  F$ t2 v# w
- H, V2 y: K' NIt’s the same with things in the world. The snake with the brightest skin is usually poisonous. The5 m9 x, P, H. ]+ D4 \! v' n* i  m
most gorgeous mushroom tends to be deadly. The fairest woman frequently is a “fountain of
$ E% ^. C% \% v9 T  s$ V+ fdisasters.” Helen’s ravishing beauty ignited the Trojan War, and the unparalleled demeanor of  [4 u$ H; k4 Z" i: ]' C
Chen Yuanyuan caused General Wu Sangui to fly into a rage for war. For the sake of exquisite1 y4 U) Y4 a3 K% S7 x
beauties, battles were fought and dragged on, causing tremendous misery to all affected.5 j6 X- Z2 Y# Y9 _
Therefore, we should not be fooled by anything of pleasing appearance alone, be sure to
0 [& k( o% r5 i" }% s8 ypenetrate the superficial and find the truth inside.6 {4 b$ G: ?* L; `6 g& ^
/ |5 [$ s# @+ @4 Y4 G1 C有佛法。深深地思维,人人都能感受其中的滋味。”因此,了知佛法是对治痛苦的方法十7 l: S5 _9 a5 X5 _) V+ o; n
分重要。& o/ @5 d4 H1 R- T2 [+ L& v
The great Tibetan sage Gedun Chophel says: “By careful investigation, it is obvious that all0 u8 i, z1 c  \0 [! Z
worldly undertakings incur nothing but suffering. Only with the Dharma can their root causes be
! r) p- }/ T9 f* {eliminated. By reflecting deeply, everyone will come to appreciate this truth.” Hence, it is3 Z+ n+ ]- A# Y$ p% x! f0 N
essential that we learn how to apply the Buddhadharma to deal with suffering." O3 Y! d0 ?; F1 ]6 ?, ]  L* D
5 g. X! @- l! v' E3 W2002年4月16日1 S8 E* Y6 M# @! e# a2 L
4th of March, Year of RenWu
. T3 u; T! P- K% r( D3 u; WApril 16, 2002: I* s. i- f8 \5 U
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