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《旅途脚印》| 心宝 ——索达吉堪布









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1 D/ [* }/ [  l7 e
心宝 | Heart Treasure+ K5 b( }8 M, Z- E

; d3 j. y+ w6 W+ M宁玛巴的很多成就者们留与后代的世间财产,虽然不能与所谓的富翁同日而语,但他们以2 m. k: @7 Q; s; n# p) J0 K/ |% E

% O8 H4 h8 ^. F4 ^  u智悲精华凝聚而成的智慧宝库,却丰富多彩、琳琅满目,令世间富翁们望尘莫及。只要有
  G3 h( P) z7 }4 m4 v# d* {
- t0 m( ^* D  [" j% B- G7 L信心的钥匙,在此宝库中都能找到令自己欣喜若狂的珍宝。

) H& b8 ^0 u4 o- D4 d) B0 a! t7 Y
: W/ [8 X  p9 XNyingmapa masters have not left much worldly inheritances to their successors when compared8 q' x4 X0 i; z* ?. Q. z

- f0 `1 `- ~; Z2 b2 ?1 r6 W" H( k$ hwith those wealthy tycoons. But the masters have far surpassed the worldly riches in leaving5 E$ |) |; f. [: Q4 f! J! h, b
& l; U+ d: k8 V
their followers the wisdom legacy, treasure troves filled with dazzling arrays of sublimated5 K) r( T2 ^; P
  d: K5 o, q- p7 K! r
wisdom and compassion. Anyone equipped with the key of faith will discover in the vault gems
0 U1 T' l6 J, s# G3 [! i" q. I! X; R3 a
2 }  U1 G, A6 Q# c8 dthat bring boundless joy.
7 _4 q' I' Z7 D/ r- o0 C$ h3 l7 P& M1 m8 M5 M) r, z' D, Q
7 W0 X! {8 }! t9 E: t* y1 O& s. c: w" X0 w. m
喜。但因力气有限,难以全部背负而出。只有选择一段认识心性的教言,忍不住想翻译过% V, Y! }, }9 ^

9 F! u: {4 `6 Z1 b/ l来,分享与人。希望没灌大圆满顶的道友不要偷看,否则护法会惩罚的。
" V' N3 m6 d, w4 P  |

( y0 i: K9 A: aToday, I made a trip to Lhala Chodri Rinpoche’s treasure chamber and toured around.
+ D: G7 d+ a# a* {, l! q, r# j8 u
Innumerable jewels and gems filled the place to the brim and made me, who always craves more5 X1 |/ @* I8 Y0 [% m

* ?9 Y8 C/ z* Z- D; e  ~Dharma, ecstatic to no end. But with my limited strength, I was unable to bring out all the
8 _- x+ _; V+ G- @8 Z# q6 X- Y* ]- `! [( P
treasures I saw. I could not resist, however, translating one passage on recognizing the nature of: r( i% v( A* w. U; H& d  p
4 z! q# g- d0 L! @$ g$ s6 w3 C
the mind. While I’d love to share it with Dharma friends, those who have not received the
# q" O, m' O) {  B6 ?* h) U4 K" ~- R. k& a+ y! G+ y
transmission on Great Perfection should refrain from reading it. Otherwise, a reprimand from the
9 r, @5 T+ ]4 ]/ T* M- k( l3 q* k: O9 _5 `& B, o
Dharma Protectors is sure to come.
, l2 ~, T$ l* p" B5 J: U9 y8 `6 u, A4 _
“略说直指之心宝:一切万法依心而显现,观察起心动念之心,却无有所得。观察自己之) u7 i- e6 ]( D. L* p& t

% y0 P/ r7 ^  N8 o- n* j5 H心,其颜色形状皆不可得。无始之心乃为分别念所假立。真正寻觅‘我’与‘我心’,皆
5 x1 _7 ?) E* i( ?5 ?7 i  B3 {) r1 ?3 X" u
为空性。除此之外,毫无实质,这是中观的见解。自己的心无有寻觅,自然安住于空性与; W$ n& Y+ ]! z
" ]+ G1 U9 @  `( {6 ~; c2 H$ z
' h; e- U# l; ~* @0 M" O: T1 T! _! d- m2 M
微分别念所染污,以正知正念护持明然了然之心,如河流之相续般长期修持,极为重要。/ u& u# {% e  g+ W. T

' h$ t- }! y. E此外,以修皈依、发心、上师瑜伽,断恶行善等世间善法为助缘。我宁玛老人索朗钦则(喇5 z1 m3 T1 G+ R* Y
; `! E2 L1 C7 M1 S/ Q

1 e( g1 ]- {1 C# S
' h* D7 t# A4 W9 D2 C5 m“Briefly, the heart treasure of direct pointing out is as follows: All phenomena appear because of# M+ B7 I* v4 [  d5 i1 G7 K

# w) \+ @6 |4 x+ sthe mind. When one investigates the mind that is having the thought, one finds nothing. Looking
/ d) {" t& R5 ~! s+ ~0 l; I& j1 ^6 n& W, ]# Y+ A
for one’s mind, there are no shapes or colors of it to be found. The thing we called mind since: A- Q8 e" x" [

, U; O- [' o( W* z4 hbeginning-less time is only an imputation of conceptual thinking. A thorough investigation of the: J4 W! J, p" i
0 k6 |+ K$ @& ?3 d
‘I’ and ‘my mind’ yields only emptiness. Other than that, there is nothing substantial; this is the
' B) W* K6 Z6 z
! [: {# t/ _$ r: N) I6 vview of Madhyamaka. Our mind, when no longer searching around, naturally abides in emptiness
5 ]* p! {5 m6 k; o' _4 h. U! I+ _' r7 n# f7 D
and the unceasing display of phenomena. Such a state of self-knowing and clarity is the realm of
- _( r0 x7 S  W1 Z% Y' h6 ]( p$ ?
Great Perfection. Remaining thus undistracted by external objects and unsullied by subtle
: e# k+ Z: ]5 P1 g2 c# o$ {. L& T/ H- ]# L8 @
discursive thoughts, one maintains a luminous and knowing mind with the right view and
& K0 U+ k, x0 G* F) j. o
& }9 D8 C* `5 ^# j% U2 r3 cmindfulness. It’s important to practice continuously, like a great unremitting stream. Besides,, H* l4 @$ U0 O; |; @' O: `

7 d/ T7 A6 c6 Q5 T0 Mone also must maintain supportive practices such as taking refuge, generating bodhichitta,
. ]1 x* m, B6 v( y3 q% j% ~8 D- O4 ~  L2 x2 I  x/ `
practicing guru yoga, as well as observing worldly virtues of doing good deeds and abandoning0 S' T$ W3 O0 t3 n

/ n$ I1 ?% c4 @( a5 Q3 @evils. For me, the old yogi of Nyingmapa, Sonan Lanchen, there are no other daily practices' P+ H1 C3 U: H3 d! p: J1 P; `- c
! X" N3 Z! t5 J: U5 J
besides these. May beings with fortunate karma also come to know this heart treasure!”2 h/ v5 G7 P* M5 d9 K

8 J, F+ I4 L! P. o  v. `如今,我们得到了如此珍贵的心宝,实在应当珍惜。
; ^8 Y' ?* _5 y/ P9 D2 ]
0 |0 a. p1 r; X
At this moment, we’ve received such a precious heart treasure, shouldn’t we cherish it dearly?
. X9 L! G/ s  Z! m" }: l+ u" i, E* l; K' t
也有一些人,自以为是大圆满的根基,不修皈依、发心、上师瑜伽,断恶行善等世间善法* m' v) {' c- h" t' m2 o

! _/ B1 C$ i8 Q( A5 P,认为那是下等根基的行为。难道他的根基超过了传承祖师?

/ P3 D& V7 G- q9 {' y5 j' b1 r% p' t- S3 R
Of course there are people who regard themselves as possessing sharp faculties for Great
$ N6 s4 E* V2 ?. k7 A% a8 F
4 V: s9 }' k  a* G/ v, rPerfection. They regard taking refuge, doing guru yoga, arousing bodhichitta, adopting worldly
: w5 p- V- J3 ?2 D( J; `# L/ v+ y! P; E) s7 ?# t/ C
virtues, and abandoning evils as practices for dull people only and choose to ignore them. Do  r8 S% }& c9 f* S) k6 W
* Q, e" `. ?  T. t% r+ m4 X
they really think their aptitudes surpass those of our lineage masters?; u% r% |, L6 d# B; P3 Q

* W% f! a9 \6 E前辈大德们交付予后学者的教言心宝,已经毫无保留地呈现在我们面前,只有逐字逐句地, |# O; D  F' b; }
& L% k3 \6 I' @/ O0 X! T) ~
思维,并融入自己的相续,认识心的本性,并长期修持,才能无愧于上师三宝的大恩加被3 S7 u' @2 S3 w: L

3 E% m, V, r7 p! ^: H2 F

- m4 j) N/ v# F3 K
7 q( X5 P. {1 L/ iThe heart treasures left by our past masters have now been fully revealed to us without any( i' I2 F$ s/ A0 ^1 m

+ O$ h5 d4 i8 i1 J. T/ Ureservation. We should reflect upon them deeply, word by word, to permeate our mind with
( h( k; T' W* t8 Z) o5 B# ^, y7 j1 }, |5 t- ?6 }1 K
them, recognize the nature of the mind, and continue the practice for a long period of time. Only3 y0 y4 A  x7 H6 Q; f
6 s+ u/ j4 U& @4 ?7 h) c9 E: [5 d
by so doing can we prove ourselves worthy of the kind blessings from our masters and the Three* y% Z& S0 c( v4 O$ S

% m. K1 ~9 E: nJewels.
8 I+ E. a9 j0 l8 Y
. m1 ?! ^: l& I9 E, Y6 a7 Z. c壬午年三月十八日  7 \- C0 D5 G; z7 o3 Q

% S' H. J% v8 p. T2002年4月29日
0 [0 o" X2 V- X6 y0 ]" S7 d! u+ j& g% _( c6 W' @+ m9 f
18th of March, Year of RenWu: m6 P  O9 L6 S6 T6 }

( O0 a; M. P  m- H3 }: LApril 29, 2002& r9 x3 s/ |1 {& x- c
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