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《旅途脚印》| 按摩 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-1 20:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2 w2 L( |; Y( W8 z" Q+ [: |
按摩 | Question and Answer  k$ V4 v3 q) ~- l. w
2 |4 ^, |  @9 K% t9 w5 V5 P

/ t% m, C1 F: E7 j7 {2 }: M4 d! q- b) W/ [) Q' ^& I
According to my doctor’s advice, I should get a massage treatment daily.
/ l- z' S# Q. u" E# Q/ Z8 |  v) p0 U  {
由于每天接触,这个按摩师已和我混得很熟。他不但手艺高超,而且十分健谈。: h: f% P  Q- O$ _& [) Z6 ]% B; z
! _5 @8 u! v: [! x
As we see each other every day, the masseur and I have become well acquainted. He is quite deft
+ \4 q' Y3 ?* y* M  v5 b$ F
( [  `, D4 L- u" d5 L. Y' z  i) ~! [in his profession and is also a good conversationalist.& G9 A0 r1 w* H. Y! {1 E

& Z- w; l9 k$ s我刚一躺下,他就开始了滔滔不绝地讲演:“你们学佛的都说因果报应,我观察了很多,
8 \5 D5 C6 n; Q7 z! V" L5 D4 L
$ v% p  a+ L6 q+ c真的是不爽啊!你看美国,整天欺负别人,结果世贸大楼就被人炸了。阿富汗塔利班去年
& H- Z( y2 K7 x8 {) _% s- R( S  S/ y( W
毁灭佛教,砸了不少佛像,结果也遭到报复。看来,因果这东西叫人不得不信。我隔壁的" K9 z% ]% I! |. ]
% D: A  v9 j, e* f& m  j! Y: U$ z
主人不孝父母,结果老婆跟人跑了。我也不知前世造了什么恶业,今生变成瞎子,但也不: C- M% @& n( b$ U' K' \
3 F7 R( q7 m% }  W
4 Z, S7 c1 T  n, c7 i* T: w6 Z* v& X

+ a6 U1 a+ M: |- A- ?+ T2 ]0 Z- tSoon after I lay down, he let out a flood of words: “You Buddhists always talk about karmic
2 G" u' z& F" B( J8 N
- ^2 V5 h& {2 I- g, Dretribution. I could see it indeed is infallible through my many years’ observation. Look at the
8 K3 r7 i- P9 f+ z( P
' U1 L' `. v2 V/ FUnited States, bullying others and its World Trade Center towers were blown to ashes. The4 z! {( m" _/ Q7 t8 A7 }- X
$ U% h8 H$ u0 Z( h+ f2 ]& b
Taliban of Afghanistan, destroying the Buddhist religion a year ago and smashing many holy
& Z' j8 D# q6 c: x9 u& y. i
9 q% h$ r. Y- s5 d2 s0 p  Bstatuses, now they end up meeting revenge. Apparently, karma is something we’d better believe
, p" B6 q: H# d1 }# A
1 ~( S# @* V% t; f8 Zin. My next-door neighbor has been impious to his parents, and he sees his wife run off with4 h1 y2 `0 c9 n& [9 ^
1 C% d  e, y- d' b7 Q
someone else. For myself, I must have committed some evil actions in my past lives and as a
( G; Y$ ~: D3 W  g/ D/ l9 g! k' p
result, I was born blind this life. On the other hand, I must also have done unknown good deeds  u* I5 R8 M/ V" M

6 a8 K) T3 q2 b8 y, o" zso that I could learn my trade and support myself….”7 R8 L1 o4 y8 y# g7 G3 M

5 W  x% ~5 s6 y! f9 f他的话让我沉思良久,世间身体健全的人往往不如一个盲人。他们不知因果,造作恶业。
* C; Z; H7 x! V( w- y% _0 P% E
: [" _7 A0 f& W  x2 h8 |4 S; N* x4 w2 L遭遇厄运时,怨天尤人。殊不知:“欲知前世因,今生受者是,欲知来世果,今生作者是
9 t/ N/ {/ ]( i, N9 W! O0 m  S
& c1 S, j6 U& X& _& v! R1 o  r+ M- Y
。”3 c, B! f% O3 J
2 i2 v7 Y3 o+ p. G! C
His words left me pondering for a while. It’s a shame that many able-bodied people often cannot9 L# ?# S' ]% T( Q2 T
0 w3 r  Y/ Q$ d
do better than a blind person. They are ignorant of the principle of cause and effect and indulge
3 b1 I: ~+ ]6 j4 o5 O  B/ `/ v0 n: L  Y% h/ E
in negative actions; when encountering misfortune, they only resent fate and blame others. They
6 \2 e) a, o% q6 b  B5 Z& a' W) J0 [; j' F# L" h
reckon not the following adage:
5 \6 ^5 b; L% b7 i# i3 A) H5 ]# A( u6 ?4 ]( h
If you want to know what you have done in your past lives,. N, y2 t3 W; N, Y1 g* s
0 i* G2 d* [. M0 c+ q: O/ {
Just observe what this life of yours has been like.! @& @* G2 |2 T5 r+ W1 y
* W8 o$ `' e# X1 w) U+ B* N. {
If you want to know how your future lives are likely to be,
/ ]& n( B' A$ P2 A( d/ y
) t$ v  T6 {& r- ^$ Q& s4 g* oJust observe what you have been doing in this life.
9 D$ r! f# c. L& U( {# ~0 [
+ t. y, A+ e+ {# d, [一切善恶因果,皆是自己所为。如果人人都能像这个按摩师一样相信因果,我想世界也会0 ^1 C' T9 z- Z1 K4 t# T- O4 ~
& |7 w- F4 s4 L
' b/ h9 M5 Q" h" Y7 P/ r

# R$ G9 v) y- {2 S6 }  sAll of our fate, good or bad, results from our own deeds. If everyone could have faith in causality" z8 T9 H' y$ }( k

6 P: x. D9 ^) f5 v$ k1 gas my masseur does, I believe the world will have one measure more of decency and one: S% U& S7 D3 r0 S4 y- a
9 f% p( B/ M8 M3 O$ d/ o
measure less of hostility.
2 i& d6 c  a6 @7 e) z+ b) u: D" _
2 a2 r; S5 r  {9 b) f" Q想着想着,忽然感到背上被人狠狠地打了一下,痛得我叫了起来:“你可不要乱摸啊!”7 H7 {* ]. g% X+ C2 O6 N

8 @4 t+ j- D7 P7 a按摩师连忙说:“对不起!对不起!我把您当成美国人了。不过,天下都已经大乱了,我
* i4 D. C+ Y' {8 `* ^' C
5 G4 j; c* \" ~! J又为什么不能乱摸、乱说、乱想呢?”一句话,说得我哈哈大笑:“在藏传佛教里,有位
: `1 ^0 \( T0 n7 t# ^
8 L  m4 u9 C. Q7 W: y十分了不起的大成就者麦彭仁波切说:‘虽此大地满恶人,然自当持高尚行。’你虽不是% J( @# _2 M7 E0 T

2 e8 A/ H* o; ^" o" {佛教徒,但这句话对你也会有益的。你可要做出淤泥而不染的荷花啊!”“谢谢您的忠告
$ P) X- `& A' a' \2 ~3 x; V, X; S0 x& k1 |
( P/ r0 g; T8 v( _3 r* G

  N% N  ~1 k7 ^+ @While deep in thought, all of a sudden I felt a heavy blow on my back that made me cry out with! n/ o% f3 w0 g) v- n& C" G

/ V: v1 r8 ?0 hpain: “Ouch! Do spare your brute force!” The masseur apologized quickly: “I am sorry, I am very
- I7 X( l4 b" m
% z; O: a/ o. Wsorry; somehow I was imagining you as an American. Anyway, the world is already in chaos, why$ W" t2 A. J2 i6 q/ J: Q  g

% j& a% V5 j) z+ o! y" a) X1 _& iis it that I cannot fumble about at will? Why can’t I speak at liberty, or indulge in fancies?” I' p5 G" X2 t( P* E+ o8 Q, o, v

* j5 D6 m! k6 D/ j3 D9 Cchuckled heartily and said: “In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a great master called Mipham2 k4 ~9 V/ ^+ k

3 M8 Y" @% ~, A* V) XRinpoche. He once said, ‘Even if the whole world is filled with evil beings, one should still. H' q5 W. a! G: V7 b- ]
& e1 K" [  {4 u
maintain one’s noble conduct’; although you are not a Buddhist, I believe this saying will benefit1 s6 G( h: f' M& m' s1 ~' b$ E; m
5 ]4 E' Y9 ?; i/ T  M' Z6 N+ s
you. You should always be like the lotus flower which emerges out of mud without being sullied.”7 Q" i7 R; j8 G3 n

' N: k% e6 V# u, J* c+ C$ rHe replied: “Thank you so much for your advice, I shall follow it faithfully.”
8 l% Y5 G1 C$ [& b
/ F, B/ k: g4 X% ^2 @( _; u" @今天我挨这一下,也是因果显现。若能因此而让他明白一些道理,那也是值得的。
7 G% H2 k: z* k$ N) I
$ g2 a5 L8 H3 h1 L. r* }) KWell, the heavy pounding landing on me today may well be the result of my own karma. But if
0 |2 O0 W3 L4 F) u
  T: c1 b% y; N/ w% Lthis episode can bring my masseur some understanding of the truth, my pain is all-worthwhile.
% M; q7 z! }: u# j1 @& C0 W
# M" [0 ?8 ~) Q/ W壬午年三月十三日  
( ]7 Y# c* e) ~& {+ h# K5 `5 x2 e( @" n, i- N
 . M- i4 Y+ W' H" E+ p( ]0 e

. y& n- L9 A; Q. O4 \; g13th of March, Year of RenWu& `' p) l- W) M
6 ?& R5 X$ [. U$ ~% o5 O. A4 ^, }
April 25, 20027 o* ~6 V, Q) U  x# A' L
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